Posts by r4w

    I have spent some time testing SMB/NFS with my very cheap s905x (2gb / 16 gb) and I have 100M LAN with a Wireless AC (sync at 433 Mbit, Iperf proved it at around 230 Mbit using TCP and one stream).
    Based on that, just last night, I have tried files that should run flawlessly < 80 mbit over both networks and I couldn't get a decent result.
    I was about to return the box in favour of a S905 with gigabit interface, when I realized where the bottleneck is.
    I focused on NFS as I have a Linux machine as my NAS, but I believe the same can be applied to SMB.
    So, if I use the Kodi browser to list my videos over NFS, so therefore I'm assuming I'm using its "libnfs" (I think I have seen this name somewhere), I got very disappointing results (even a 75 Mbit is breaking and caching).
    However, if I mount NFS from OS, I can play files up to 140 Mbit over Wireless (jellyfish test with audio hdr 10) and almost up to 90 Mbit over LAN.
    A simple test, from shell (ssh):

    mkdir /storage/mnt
    mount [ipaddress NFS server]:[full share name like /home/nfs/share] /storage/mnt

    You then browse for videos as it's a local directory (/storage/mnt) and play from there

    You can add later on what works for you in this script: - OpenELEC

    I would like to say that I didn't apply any changes to the way Kodi caches yet, so I believe there is root to improve the results.

    Feel free to PM if you want more details.

    kszaq: I have run systemctl status brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-aml.service in beta4a:

    ● brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-aml.service - Broadcom sdio firmware update
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-aml.service; static; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2015-01-01 00:00:26 UTC; 2 years 1 months ago
    Main PID: 2857 (hciattach)
    CGroup: /system.slice/brcmfmac_sdio-firmware-aml.service
    └─2857 /usr/bin/hciattach -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 bcm43xx 2000000

    Jan 01 00:00:26 LibreELEC systemd[1]: Started Broadcom sdio firmware update.
    Jan 01 00:00:26 LibreELEC hciattach[2857]: Patch not found for BCM4335A0, continue anyway

    A quick search in the forum showed that you're going to add this in the next build for the non beta version. Are you planning the same for the beta?

    Thank you!

    /usr/bin/hciattach -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 bcm43xx 2000000

    I have got this:

    LibreELEC:~ # /usr/bin/hciattach -n -s 115200 /dev/ttyS1 bcm43xx 2000000
    Initialization timed out.

    I can give you remote access if you're interested, otherwise I should be able to return the box easily :) I don't want to consume too much of your time. Thanks again!


    First of all, great work! I'm using Beta 3 on a cheap NPET S905X Smart TV Box : Welcome and everything is working fine, including truehd/dts-hd passthrough.

    However, while I can see and use bluetooth in Android, I'm finding "Bluetooth is disabled" here and I cannot see a way to enable it. If I go into LibreElec settings, I cannot see Bluetooth either.
    Does it mean that my bluetooth chipset is not supported?
    What information would you need to have a look into it (dmesg, lsusb or ? )?
    I do remember that lsusb didn't provide any interesting output, three devices which are the USB hubs and my keyboard/mouse dongle.
    Dmesg showed the bluetooth modules software components and I didn't see the related hardware but I'm new to Amlogic hardware, so maybe I missed something.

    Thank you in advance!

    In qemu, you can load gpu bios from file by adding the info into the config xml.

    If ctrl alt f3 didn't work, but you know the ip, you can always ssh in. Enable ssh in the libreelec settings addon first.

    If you are passing through a gpu, you need the generic version. The virtual build is for a setup without a physical dedicated gpu, for testing and development purposes.

    Which file in which folder should I edit to enable ssh? I can also mount the virtual disk in my ubuntu VM, if the file is not visible in Samba.

    I'm not using Qemu but Vmware. Maybe the process will be the same?
    snailboy1: as you managed to pass through the video card in kvm, have you had to load GPU bios from file?

    I have tried CTRL+ALT+F3 but unfortunately without luck.
    However, despite the Generic version 7.0.2 or 7.0.3 claims to start X, I can see in dmesg log (got them through Samba) that for some reasons the video card bios ROM is unavailable/unreachable.

    Just for reference:

    It would be ideal, at least for me, to have all the drivers in the virtual release, so that I could try something more :)
    Anyway, I tried!

    Virtual is a developer tool used for basic functional and GUI testing. It supports vmware (we dropped vbox as it breaks with every kernel bump and nobody used it). Virtual has no AMD/Intel/nVidia drivers so you will not be able to do GPU passthrough in ESXi. If you wanted to do that you'd need create something custom that has both vmware things (else the OS won't boot) and the video drivers required.

    In a Generic/QEMU combo there should be a console on CTRL+ALT+F3 ..but it's not really a 'supported' configuration in the sense you won't find staff that know anything about running it, although we're aware it can be made to work.

    Thank you chewitt!
    That makes sense now.

    I can confirm that I'm able to boot the OS without any issues on my ESXi passing through the AMD video card using the Generic version.
    I will try to access the console and I was able to retrieve the IP assigned to the VM from my router and access the samba share, so I will try to look at the logs from there too.

    If you have any further suggestions, I'm happy to hear them :)

    The virtual build doesn't have an GPU drivers, it only has a vmware driver. So if you want to passthrough GPU's you'd have to use the Generic build

    I'm wondering why it doesn't have any GPU drivers.
    What's the real scope of the virtual build?
    I could get the development OVA to work but than I can only access Kodi via the VMWARE console.
    I have then tried to use 7.0.3 generic with my AMD Radeon 6450 in pass-through, which works perfectly with Windows 10.
    I don't see any failures and X claims to start, but at the same time I don't see anything on the HDMI output and I can't access the system by console to view logs/dmesg/xrand etc (it could be a very cool nice to have in order to debug these cases, if you can't even reach to enable ssh).

    Happy new year! :)