Posts by RomMon

    I created a patch file and compiled net-snmp again but don't see a change in behavior.

    cd ~/
    rm -r net-snmp
    cd  ~/
    vi net-snmp-0004-memavailable.patch
    cp ~/ ~/
    sed -i 's/PKG_VERSION="5.8"/PKG_VERSION="5.9"/g' ~/
    sed -i 's/PKG_SHA256="b2fc.*"/PKG_SHA256="04303a66f85d6d8b16d3cc53bde50428877c82ab524e17591dfceaeb94df6071"/g' ~/
    sed -i 's/PKG_REV="106"/PKG_REV="107"/g' ~/
    cd ~/
    PROJECT=RPi ARCH=arm DEVICE=RPi2 scripts/create_addon net-snmp

    Wow, nice find thanks!

    I will have a look if I can apply those patches and compile net-snmp 5.9.

    I have a build-environment and tried to compile an 9.2.6 image, but this resulted in 9.2-devel images. Do you know if that is expected?

    git clone
    git checkout 9.2.6
    PREFER_PACKAGE_MIRROR=yes PROJECT=RPi ARCH=arm DEVICE=RPi2 tools/download-tool
    PROJECT=RPi ARCH=arm DEVICE=RPi2 make image
    ls -lat ~/
    -rw-rw-r--  1 <user> <user>       125 Nov 24 11:06 LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel-20201124042019-6bd7e98.img.gz.sha256
    -rw-rw-r--  1 <user> <user> 131958036 Nov 24 11:05 LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel-20201124042019-6bd7e98.img.gz
    -rw-rw-r--  1 <user> <user>       122 Nov 24 11:05 LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel-20201124042019-6bd7e98.tar.sha256
    -rw-rw-r--  1 <user> <user> 146513920 Nov 24 11:05 LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel-20201124042019-6bd7e98.tar
    -rw-r--r--  1 <user> <user> 133611520 Nov 24 11:05 LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel-20201124042019-6bd7e98.system
    -rw-r--r--  1 <user> <user>   7734000 Nov 24 11:04 LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel-20201124042019-6bd7e98.kernel

    I just enabled debug in TVheadend. Hopefully it gives more info with a next crash.

    Just looking at the build-environment to build packages. For net-snmp there is a patch

    ~/ that is changing "net-snmp-5.7.3/config.sub" while the current version in use ( is 5.8.

    Maybe this patch should be applied to have 'MemAvailable' providing the correct value?

    1) I enabled debug logging.

    2) For me LE-9.2.6 was already downloaded in ~/.update/

    (I even deleted it one or 2 times yesterday to stay on 9.2.4 a bit longer)

    Just rebooted and I'm on 9.2.6 now.

    This is b.t.w. on a different sd-card. Yesterday I made a backup and restored it on a cleanly fully (not quick) formatted sd-card.

    Also on this sd-card I already had a similar crash earlier today (before debug was enabled) at Nov 22 13:28 CET.

    Also this time when 'free-memory' became small.

    Yes, there are plenty of crash logs. But I'm not sure what to look for in these files. I attached the last 3.

    And dmesg (with timestamps i.s.o. uptime).

    Also there is normally one a specific message in dmesg vchiq: 0: ignoring ERROR from callback to service 83004 at the time of a crash.

    journalctl looks to give indeed some more details that might help terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::length_error'.

    Indeed via snmp the value for memAvailReal looks to be wrong.

    Last night I had a script running capturing the output of top every 30min, and see that actually buffers and cached is jumping up and down.

    The crashes look to corelate with high buffers/cached memory usage, (and lower free memory value).

    In the attached image you see MRTG graphs from the last ~3 days.

    The spikes in the eth0 graph indicate the crashes of kodi (at startup of kodi there seem to be some information being downloaded).

    (I have not yet looked at the reason for the re-appearing higher CPU usage each night between 2 and 6.)

    I would like to monitor the memory usage of my RPi3 running LE-9.2.4.

    (My RPi3 is crashing very often and I want to find if memory is the reason)

    For this I would like to obtain or calculate the used memory via snmp and graph it with mrtg.

    Is it correct to use?:

    . - .

    I'm a bit unsure because I saw someone using 'total' and 'available' from the 'free' command output e.g.:

    total_mem=$(free -k | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}')
    avail_mem=$(free -k | grep Mem | awk '{print $7}')
    memory_usage=$(awk "BEGIN {percent_used=($total_mem-$avail_mem)/($total_mem)*100; print percent_used}")
    echo $memory_usage

    While my calculation would be comparable with (but than with snmp):

    total_mem=$(free -k | grep Mem | awk '{print $2}')
    free_mem=$(free -k | grep Mem | awk '{print $4}')
    memory_usage=$(awk "BEGIN {percent_used=($total_mem-$free_mem)/($total_mem)*100; print percent_used}")
    echo $memory_usage


    total_mem=`snmpwalk -v 1 -c libreelec -O qv .`
    free_mem=`snmpwalk -v 1 -c libreelec -O qv .`
    used_mem=`expr $total_mem - $free_mem`
    echo used memory = $total_mem - $free_mem =  $used_mem
    used memory = 765828 - 36260 = 729568

    The free command gives the following output:

    With snmp I obtain the following:

    See indeed in help that for initial scan it needs enabled for at least one tuner.

    In the past (e.g. TVH 4.1), was this option 'Skip Initial scan' (so just the opposite)?

    In my notes I have ''Skip Initial Scan' (must be selected, so scan is skipped at startup)'

    I will experiment if both these scan options to see its behavior.

    If the Server and Client Runs on the Same device I would also suggest using the IP instead of the "real" IP on the pvr hts client. If your Router fails at some Point your still able to watch TV on that device.

    Thanks for your timer advice. Yes, the client is configured to use the loopback address.


    is on your TV-Adaptor "initial scan" and "idle scan" on ?

    I had a delay for an first live-TV start (not while subseq. switching) on an 2-cable-DigiBit-config, where only the 2cd Adaptor had those setting on.

    - I mean that setting played well in 9.2.4... (I'm unsure) -

    I have 2 tuners and for both 'initial scan' and 'idle scan' is on.

    Thank you also for the restart script. For now I will keep it with just a 10 second delay.

    Thank you both!

    Hi Nicolas thanks a lot for your advice.

    At first I started with a 30 seconds TVH server delay, and that made it work.

    Trying to find the lowest delay I could go all the way back to 0 (disabled delay) without any issue.

    I did try a 3 second delay a few days ago, but that didn't work that time.

    I'm thinking to using a 10 second delay going forward.

    Thanks you

    Bit of an odd issue.

    I started installing 9.2.3 a week or two ago from scratch.

    I first noticed the issue after (during?) installing '' via 'Install from zip file'.

    Sabnzbd has 'locale' as dependency.

    The issue didn't change after removing both 'sabnzbd' and 'locale'.

    After every reboot I see a message in Kodi that Tvheadend Client: 'Server does not respond properly'.

    Live-TV is not working after this.

    If I go to Add-ons > My add-ons > Services > select Tvheadend Server 4.2 > Configure > OK (without any changes) it starts to work.

    "Tvheadend Client: Connection Established"

    I have not yet tried to re-install Tvheadend.

    Steps performed for taking logging:


    wait ~5 min

    made TVH work normally

    wait ~5 min


    wait ~5 min

    Based on the timestamp, the TVH logging looks to start only after making TVH work.


    # ... output of cat /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/service.log

    # LibreELEC release: RPi2.arm-9.2.3



    2020-08-21 20:24:22.533 [ INFO] main: Log started

    The first logs on TVH during the problem state looks weird.

    They are from 2019-04-11, and look to be from a previous installation.

    LE-9.2.3 was written to this 128GB card LibreELEC.USB-SD.Creator.Win32.exe.

    I didn't format this card before doing that.

    Can this be due to a corrupted filesystem?


    TVH Server 4.2, Team LE

    TVH Client,


    You should add the complete set of logs (see post 1 of this thread for details, the part 'how to ask for support).

    I think you should find the error with:

    cat ~/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/service.log

    I had an error related to a missing library

    This is a library for Nvidia GPU's, which isn't included in RetroElec.

    (also opened a forum thread at tvh for this to see if there is a workaround or so)

    I have TVheadend running in a docker container now. It runs fine(ish).

    Once in a while the Persistent Volume is lost causing my recordings to fill the docker container.

    I'm using the following command for this:

    (Adjust to your needs e.g. timezone, volumes and maybe the version too)


    Small behavior I noticed:

    On the RPi I noticed that a log is created when I access \\\ and another one if I access \\\Logfiles

    LibreELEC:~/logfiles # ls -lat
    total 295
    drwxrwxrwx    2 root     root          1024 Feb 20 23:09 .
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         42267 Feb 20 23:09
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         43753 Feb 20 20:01
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         43624 Feb 20 20:01
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         45253 Feb 16 21:28
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         45036 Feb 16 21:28
    LibreELEC:~/logfiles # ls -lat
    total 337
    drwxrwxrwx    2 root     root          1024 Feb 20 23:09 .
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         42512 Feb 20 23:09
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         42267 Feb 20 23:09
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         43753 Feb 20 20:01
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         43624 Feb 20 20:01
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         45253 Feb 16 21:28
    -rw-rw-rw-    1 root     root         45036 Feb 16 21:28

    I tried the latest RPi2 image 'RetroELEC-RPi2.arm-9.2-devel-20200216221355-28eddc2.img.gz', but same here, Kodi doesn't start.

    Messages on the screen:

    Logs attached