Jenica13 Thanks.
Sadly the DTB doesn't specify the pins used by the led driver (they're baked into the kernel image), so there's currently no way for me to add support for this box.
Jenica13 Thanks.
Sadly the DTB doesn't specify the pins used by the led driver (they're baked into the kernel image), so there's currently no way for me to add support for this box.
Hello, do you guys know how to make this work on x95 pro 2/16? It has a s905x chip,using libreelec
Not going to work with that version as it doesn't include the vfd driver.
You'll need CoreELEC and you'll need to post your Android DTB, how to extract DTB from Android.
Edit: Even if you don't want to upgrade, I could use the Android DTB to add support for this box for others.
Strange. Either way glad you got this sorted. A reboot fixes everything
I think we know why the automatic update hasn't worked correctly for users who already had the old version installed.
darioml Now it fetched the correct version.
What does the Kodi log say?
darioml Can you attach the fd628.service folder in the 'Addons' folder so I can take a look?
The one that's installed from the repo, that is.
It is mostly there to fix playback of some live channels. If you don't see any problems with Live TV playback, you probably don't need to use those options.
They were made available in the UI so that users wouldn't have to use command line commands to tweak these advanced options.
You can't, Leia builds use a new remote system, you can't replace it, but you can tweak it. Look at the leia remote control thread.
That is a 404 - Page not found error.
Up to date builds are very hard to miss, look at the sticky threads at the top of the Amlogic forum.
Settings --> Player --> Videos -> Sync playback to display.
Make sure that this is UNCHECKED.
A splitter has one input and several outputs.
A switch has one output and several inputs.
Wireless HDMI is neither of those things.
Also, this is off topic.
The B6 is not really the same.
The B7 (except B7A) supports passthrough for many formats, maybe even for them all, the B6 doesn't.
But either way, if you still get sound with passthrough but it says PCM, then it's not working at all.
Make sure that you don't have synchronize audio to display (or something of that sort) enabled in the Video settings.
At least now you can set it up how you like and make a clean backup for the future.
The reset button is normally at the end of the A/V port. Use a toothpick to reach\press it.
Burn a new SD card. Possibly that's also why you're getting errors from YouTube.
Yes, it should work.
So does Rufus, at least on Windows.