The built in driver in kszaq's build is old and outdated.
I suggest using the newest one available right now. I attached the latest build of the driver and the Kodi add-on you will need for icons and configuration.
This new version doesn't require a device specific DTB file, but a generic entry, which I added to all of kszaq's DTBs in the attached zip.
So replace the DTB on your box with the relevant one from the zip and you should be good to go.
You'll need a vfd.config file, placed in /storage/.config. Get it here: GitHub - arthur-liberman/vfd-configurations: vfd.config - A collection of configuration files for linux devices with a front facing display.
Extract the FD628 Display zip file in your box, then run
This should start the clock on the display.
If it works correctly, you can run
To make it permanent.
The commands to start the driver/service will be added to the autostart.sh file.
Note: This driver is intended for builds based on the old kernel (it won't run on the new kernel), and it is not needed for 8.90.6.