When in recovery select the zip file and it will flash
Posts by Demetris
avd dont know what you did as you didnt give much info but better for you to start fresh.
you have to use the sdcard
will support usb booting laters
I dont want to mess up le forums with lakka we have our own. -
Am porting S905 as we speak
Lakka has no kodi, Lakka has only Retroarch and Its GUI. PS3-Like
You can update ofc
Update with new RC3 then
Is your remote working?
New RC3 only change is the remote configuration fixed
I know what is causing that and will be fixed maybe in next version.
You are not bothering me at all.
When i started with le source, v8 stable was far away so i took what was available and i just bring it up2date with then 7.0.3 stable on my device(S82) but you can take those sources link in OP
and compile yourself a version for your device as for me that version is EOL and wont bother again. -
I would need a log from you on rc2 & rc3 while you use your wifi to pinpoint the issue.
I compiled new images will push when i find free time
Edit:Uploading -
Hmm will have a look.
Edit:Fixed -
Uploading RC3, check OP&enjoy!
i'm getting file system corrupted on LibreELEC-S802.M8.arm-8.0.RC2.img.gz for my total revolution mk1 box. I used rufus to put onto micro sd card is this right? Then i used toothpick method.
Right guys I have been doing it wrong I didn't realise ya had to boot into recovery then reboot with libreelec on a usb stick doh. I was doing it in the micro sd port. Now I am able to boot from usb how do I install to internal memory of android device?ssh to box and issue a: installtointernal
Guys thanks for your feedback.
I looked at the lakka&Libreelec sources and it seems i have an amlogic autoscript.
Anyway RC3 release is compilingWill post in the evening the firmwares, until then may the force be with you all.