Posts by twf85

    Great idea, thank you!

    The TV in question is approximately 40" (so there isn't a great deal of available concealment) and located near the top of the wall, in the Kitchen. The wall it's located on is made out of brick, but the brick ends a couple of feet above where the TV is mounted. I've been tempted to run an Ethernet line in the attic, and then simply conceal the Ethernet cable for those couple of feet down from where I'd pop a keystone into the wall (from the attic).

    That line of thinking made me want to move the TV up even higher to cover the potential keystone, but like your idea. I'll look for something small that is supported by LEDE.

    I'm pretty sure it does, but would you happen to know if the latest case made by FLIRC will fit the LP? I thought it would be neat to get the one with the KODI logo treatment, but I can't quite find a definitive answer anywhere. As much as I like the idea of getting a case with a fan, the ones listed that "officially" support the LP are not as aesthetically pleasing to me as the cases made by FLIRC.

    As much as I'd like to hold onto all of my assorted S905 boxes, with the absence of a dedicated developer to port LE, I'm starting to look towards officially supported hardware.

    I think the device I want is the Le Potato, but the absence of WiFi has me dragging my feet. This review suggests that a dongle can be added, but doesn't go as far as recommending one. The LoveRPI Amazon store has a dongle for sale, but I'd rather have something with an external antenna and AC support.

    At least one of my boxes will be mounted to the wall behind a TV, where better reception might make all the difference. The current box in that spot struggles with 4K/DTS content, and my hope is that a newer, officially supported SBC will improve playback on that TV. If I'm not mistaken, the company producing the LP is also helping to fund development, and that is a major plus in my book.

    Can any Le Potato owners suggest a dongle with AC support that works with LE9?

    I am in the same boat. I want something that will receive official builds.

    According to the reviews on Amazon, it'll handle 4K/HEVC/10bit/30fps; however, one reviewer did mention that it could not handle 3D content. I suspect 3D will try to stage another comeback here in another 5 years or so, but for now, I don't think most people will miss the feature.

    Thanks for this guide!

    I have a WeTek Pro Remote, and using this guide, created the following remote.conf:

    May look into swapping one of the buttons to open the search dialog box, but other then that, VERY SATISFIED! Cheers!

    I followed steps 1 and 2 exactly, but when I attempt to type remootecfg remote.conf into KiTTY, I receive this error:

    Open file remote.conf is failed!!!

    What am I doing wrong?

    I had the same problem. Try

    remotecfg /storage/.config/remote.conf

    Alternately, you could probably cd to the /storage/.config directory and the provided example should work. The problem is that your dev doesn't have a symlink to the remote.conf file to make it universally accessible from anywhere (at least, I believe that's the problem).

    Apologies for resurrecting this thread, but was anyone ever able to get the Dual-Boot feature to work (Alice + LE) properly with a community build?

    I found playback very choppy, so I tried updating to the last kszaq build. After it had updated, I couldn't use any remote, but I was able to use Kore to test playback which was smooth. Unfortunately, the "Reboot to internal" option has rendered the box useless. It's stuck on the "Tanix" logo now. I figured it wouldn't work, but what I didn't count on was being unable to get into Recovery. Now I have to try and flash it using the Amlogic tools.

    These reboot options, "Reboot to internal" and "Reboot to Android".. Is the function of those options to change the boot flag or something?

    I want to try this image on my mini M8S box, but see that in s905/ it isn't .dtb named for this box, which of all I should download to burn a sd card.

    I'm new here, but I think you'll want to go generic, something like:

    gxbb_p200_2G_100M.dtb or gxbb_p200_2G_100M_RealtekWiFi.dtb (if you have a Realtek chip, but it doesn't look like you do from what I can tell)

    Make sure you follow the guide and test it on a USB stick BEFORE flashing it over ;)

    I had similar problems with a S905 box. Some user (azido) gave me a solution. Read this post LibreELEC. It worked for me.

    That did the trick! Feel kind of boneheaded.. The helper info for the delayed start setting on the Network screen clearly talks about SQL, but I never thought to highlight it. Might still have had an issue with the timestamp, so thank you for the "complete" fix :D

    I am wondering this also..

    I have an older Rocketfish adapter (RF-FLBTAD) that was detected and connected to a headset and a portable speaker, but trouble started when I tried to play any video file. "Working" displays for an eternity, and then the player usually locks up or crashes.

    The WiFi adapter is also kind of weak, so I am wondering if maybe a WiFi dongle WITH Bluetooth might be the answer.

    From what I can tell, this "issue" is probably very limited, as most boxes will already come with a Bluetooth adapter. It was pretty exciting to see the Rocketfish adapter appear to work initially, as I could not get it to even be recognized by Android, at all.

    I never had problem with 'TV Shows' and 'Movies' database. I guess your tricks (uploaded the advancedsettings file) just doesn't work on LibreELEC. There might be some changes in the SQL database version (at least it's totally different on Krypton). Did you try scanning your library again?

    Thank you for your response! The version of Kodi that LE is running (16.1 "Jarvis") is the same as all of my other clients, so there should not be any issues with SQL db incompatibility.

    I am hesitant to start my db from scratch just for the purposes of testing LE, especially when the problem could be with the box and not LE. Could anyone chime in on what steps they took to get a LE box working with an existing SQL db?

    First time posting, hello all :)

    Many thanks to kszaq for spending so much time developing this for all of us; you're a rockstar!

    I had read in one of the more recent comments that a user with the same box as the one I just bought had success, but I am having a little trouble. The box is a MXQ Pro 4k, and the issue I'm stuck on is getting the library synced up with the SQL database.

    The only other android boxes I have used in the past have been made by MINIX, and unfortunately none of them were capable of playing HEVC encodes, nor were they candidates for flashing either OpenELEC or Libre. When I saw the MXQ for ~$45 out-the-door, it was too good to pass up.

    Now I wish I had been aware of this thread, and the subsequent disclaimer that would have pointed me towards the WETEK boxes, which really do not cost a whole lot more.

    ANYWAY, so I am stuck on the SQL database. I've samba'ed into the box, and uploaded the advancedsettings file (like I have done with all the other boxes/computers on my network), and that seemed to do the trick. Normally after I have done that with other devices, the "home screen" in Kodi will show "Movies" and "TV Shows" with recent lists displayed, as well as a fleshed-out library complete with cover art and the rest. I am not seeing any of that with LibreELEC.

    Now I did follow the OP's advice and I have not flashed it over yet, so if this is something I should not expect to work with this, that info would be extremely helpful in advising me on whether to keep or ditch the box. I plan to buy WETEK boxes exclusively from hereon out, but for the time being, it would be nice to have this as the kitchen TV's streamer.

    Thanks again for all your hard work, kszaq, and to all those involved in the LibreELEC project :)