Posts by tkwou

    I just recreated this dual boot method to make sure it still works. This method is only for older motherboards that can only support BIOS/MBR. Installing Dual boot on a GPT drive is different and threads for doing this can also be found on this forum. The Libreelec must also be installed on a MBR drive too. Installing it directly on the same USB stick as the Installation program (ie using the "Run" option) will not work as the USB stick is already formatted GPT.

    Im not getting two ext4 partitions on the usb stick im mounting the libreelec imafe to. I get one thats fat16 and one thats ext4. How do I make the fat16 one into ext4?

    Did you create the 2 Ext4 partitions first on the drive that Libreelec and Windows 10 will be installed on. You need to create these 2 partitions as placeholders for the Libreelec. Then install Windows 10 on the remaining part of the drive. You also need to have function copy of Libreelec. This is what you transfer to the 2 placeholder Ext4 partitions. GPart can be used to create the partitions and MiniPartition Wizard to transfer the Libreelec.

    Thanks. The Pi is on a wired connection to the NAS(Windows Server2008R2) on a gigabit network. The share is SMB through the Kodi. There is no problem playing even high bitrate BD(>35Mb/s) sources in .mkv format so it's not a network issue. Playing the file through USB stick causes the same problem so it must be a decode issue. File bitrates are <6500kb/s and from MPEG2-DVD sources. Interestingly MPEG2-HD files >20Mb/s from BD sources play fine. Were DVD and BD encoded differently despite being MPEG2?

    I recently switched to 10.0.2 from 9.2.8 with my RPi3B and I'm having problems with playback of older DVD material, MPEG2-SD streamed from a NAS. I'm getting a "Read rate too slow for continuous playback" error. The video stutters and I lose audio-video sync. I don't get this problem playing back MPEG2-HD material from Blu-ray sources. There are no problems with H.264 or VC-1 sources. This seem to be isolated to the RPi3B. I have PC Libreelec also on 10.0.2 and it plays the same files without a problem. I tried increasing the video cache size but it made no difference.

    The Windows Update process on major upgrades (usually twice a year) ignores your existing bootloader setup and always assumes *it* has full control of the disk. If you are using the Windows Bootloader it's not a problem, but if your dual boot is using a different bootloader like GRUB, the update will either overwrite the MBR or it will just fail and restore Windows 10 to the pre-update status.

    Good luck with it mwake. This is best configuration for my LibreElec. I know it can be done with Grub2Win but I wanted to keep the Windows bootloader. Windows 10 updates twice a year and it tends to re-write the MBR. I didn't want to have to deal with recovering GRUB each time. I'm not really that versed with Linux. This way Windows 10 is free to do what it wants and neither OS interfere with each other.

    I then used a GPart live boot disk to delete these partitions and recreate 2 empty ext4 partitions the size of my Libreelec installation at the beginning an empty drive (that way the Libreelec would remain in dev/sda1 and dev/sda2 like my existing Libreelec). Then I installed Windows 10 in the remaining space. Windows 10 will then install in only two partitions combining the System and Recovery as one and the Windows partition as the other. Once in Windows, I installed Mini Partition Wizard Free and EasyBCD. I used the Mini Partition Wizard to copy the Libreelec off of my existing SD card on to their respective ext4 partitions. Then I used EasyBCD to create a boot entry for the Libreelec (use the Linux/Syslinux option). Set which boot option I want to be default and it 's done. Now it a basic Windows 10 installation with an option to boot into Libreelec. I actually have mine set with Libreelec as the default boot.

    Hi mwake. You are starting with a blank drive on your new computer. It's easiest to use the GPart live boot disc to create the 2 empty ext4 partitions. Linux/LibreElec will refer to these partitions as dev/sda1 and dev/sda2. Now insert your Windows 10 disk and install Windows 10 on the the remaining part of the empty disk. If you are using a Windows 10 USB make sure it is formatted as MBR and not the new GPT style (Rufus is a good program for doing this). Once Windows 10 installation is completed, download and install Mini Partition Wizard and EasyBCD. Connect the drive holding your functional Libreelec installation. Open Mini Partition Wizard and delete the ext4 partition placeholders on Windows 10 drive. Now copy(clone) the two ext4 partitions from your Libreelec drive to the empty space you just created. Now you have a functional Libreelec on your new drive. Now use EasyBCD to create a second boot option (use the Linux/Syslinux option) to point to the Libreelec. The next time the computer boots you will see an option to boot to Windows 10 or Libreelec (you can set one or the other as default)

    Hi mwake. Yes you have to copy an already working LibreElec from one disk/drive to the reserved ext4 partitions of your new drive otherwise a new installation of LibreElec will just overwrite your entire disk. The presence of the ext4 partitions will make Windows install after them. Once the Window 10 has installed it will ignore the ext4 partitions as the boot record will tell it to start at the third partition. Now you can copy your LibreElec to these ext4 placeholder partitions. I used MiniPartition Wizard. It's probably easiest to have Minipartition Wizard empty the ext4 placeholder first and then you can just copy the first ext4 partition to the empty space and then the second ext4 partition to the remaining empty space.

    Thanks chewitt, I see the problem. Setting local master = no will still not prevent it from being elected master if no one else is available. All my other computers are Windows 10 and they have Master Browser disabled. The only important setting is OS level being high enough for it to concede to the Server.

    Thanks Jocke.Sve, I know I can edit /storage/.smb/smb.conf with any editor. They are already set to


    preferred master = no

    local master = no

    domain master = no

    client lanman auth = yes

    lanman auth = yes

    socket options = TCP_NODELAY IPTOS_LOWDELAY SO_RCVBUF=65536 SO_SNDBUF=65536

    lock directory = /storage/.smb/

    name resolve order = bcast host

    The file I need to edit is /etc/samba/smb.conf. The Libreelec device is still grabbing Master Browser whenever it gets a chance.

    I've got my Windows 2008R2 file server set as Master Browser by default. I have two Libreelec devices. Whenever I reboot or turn off the server, one of the Libreelec devices grabs the Master Browser position and it takes a bunch of reboots to finally get it back to the server. I want to disable master browser function in the Libreelec devices. I tried editing \etc\samba\smb.conf but it won't let me save it.

    Well despite the Master Browser solution making all devices visible on the network again, network discovery from the Libreelec end remains broken. Browsing the Windows SMB network still yields a blank. I can create network resources on the Libreelec devices using IP or NetBios names so the names are being resolved.

    So what is actually broken with browsing from Kodi? My Master Browser is now on a Windows Server 2008 and it is displaying all devices discovered by WSD and NetBios. My Onkyo Network Receiver which I suspect is running on some kind of Linux is able to browse the network once again. Before this Network Discovery was a blank.

    The primary reason for using a WINS server is if you want to access computers located on different subnets via NETBIOS names. On a flat home network it's not needed. The way Windows browsing works is there's an automatic "election" process where one computer is selected to be a local master browser for each workgroup name. If that machine gets shut off using NETBIOS names could be troublesome until a new master browser has been elected.

    Make sure that all your computers are using the same workgroup name and you should be fine. If your HTPC running LE is always on it might be a good idea to force it to be a local master browser (see the samba.conf.sample in /storage/.config).

    It took me a while to figure this one out. All my computers are now Windows 10 except for a file server running Windows 2008 Server. All my Libreelec devices no longer appeared in the network and my Network receiver could no longer browse the my home network. Then one day they suddenly reappeared. After a lengthy investigation I finally discovered that my Libreelec device which I had left on for an extended period of time had become the Master Browser for the network. It appears that when a Windows 10 computer becomes the Master Browser it's only using WSD. All the SMB shares are not seen. Understanding this I made the Windows 2008 Server fileserver the Master Browser. Now everything appears in the network again.