Posts by Borygo77

    It does bub 😊 it will replace any file you have backed up with tar πŸ‘ what I found is Libreelec does need to have proper name of the file to restore it.

    20191124141244.tar this file will be restored alright but this one backup-2020-01-31.tar not πŸ™ˆ and I don't know why

    This is my delete script called from cron and it does the job for me alright πŸ˜‰

    find /storage/zew/backup/auto_backup -mtime +4 -type f -delete

    It deletes any files and folders older than 4 days.

    Just stop kodi forever if it's running as server only ;) I have set it up this way :)

    This is my
    sleep 10;
    if systemctl stop wpa_supplicant kodi service.tigervnc docker.linuxserver.portainer pulseaudio; then
        echo "Services stoped"
        echo "Error"

    Then I call another script from cron to backup stuff every 24h ;)

    tar -cpf /storage/backup/backup-$(date +%F).tar /storage/.config /storage/.kodi /storage/.ssh /storage/.ash_history /storage/.cache

    Hi.Sorry about this, you're going to have to treat me like a complete noob and ELI5 as I've fallen at the first hurdle. How do I install Thoradia repo, please?

    I've just got a RPi4 (2GB) and done a fresh install using β€œLibreELEC USB-SD Creator” .

    I tried adding Thoradia straight away, but failed several times using different URL addresses each time. To prove I wasn't a complete idiot I've managed to add the Yatse repo from a URL and zip, so I know I can do something correct, but what should I be doing for Thoradia? Is there an up-to-date idiot video or guide?

    Here you have repo... Throw it in to some folder over samba or ssh and install from addons install from zip file ;)

    I'm running one of 905W 1/8 in our bedroom and is no different than s905x 2/16 in living room. There is no need for bigger storage or ram to be honest. Just got no idea why your source would miss SD card slot? πŸ€”

    905x is running from SD card and it was on internal before it got corrupted. 905w runs from internal 2 years already....and it will run until corrupt then I'll switch to SD card πŸ˜‰

    does not install, it does not work, generic hdd installation

    LibreELEC:~ # opkg install coreutils-expr

    -sh: opkg: not found

    LibreELEC:~ #

    Did you went through link I've posted? It's not that simple to install entware but it's possible. I had it working in official libre 8....

    Just delete password file and you got your settings without password. Can't remember path but I can find it in a min πŸ˜‰


    There are 2 folders in .kodi/userdata/service.tvheadend42 folder.

    accesscontrol where you find users and folder passwd where passwords are stored for them.

    Remember I messed something once and after deleting password for my account I could get in without login.

    Thanks Chewitt! :) Got my own samba.conf for ages but never been checking journalctl for warnings/errors. So it was bugging me as hell.

    Had this sorted same day after finding some sources in google and added line for master browser :)

    This machine is serving files mostly so it's always on...

    There is one thing I need help with. How do I stop recreating folders from /storage/ ?

    If I delete videos,music,tvshows etc those always coming back after reboot. Don't like this mess really.

    If there is any way to stop it can you help please ? If not I can live with it :)

    Here is my samba journalctl :)

    Hi guys! Not sure if I should care much about it but my journalctl is flooded with this warning everytime I'm going in to it....

    Have three libreelec devices at home with, 112, 113.

    Any chance to fix it somehow ?

    Hi guys! Does anyone know why special characters are displayed wrong in ruTorrent rss webgui ?

    Any setting I need to change to get it working ok ?

    Got ΒΆ instead of Ε› or Π‡ instead of ΕΌ :(

    It seems to be set to Windows 1251 instead of 1250

    Here is issue I've raised with rutorrent author Polish special signs Β· Issue #1970 Β· Novik/ruTorrent Β· GitHub

    As he tried to help the issue is probably with mbstring module missing from php....

    Is there any chance you can have a look on it Thoradia please?

    Works for me as well :) Thanks a mill! :) Need to reboot to check if it will come back but wife watching TV now so not a chance :D

    [2019-06-04 16:56:26] Failed password for invalid user roo from port 50718 ssh2
    [2019-06-04 16:56:26] Failed password for invalid user roo from port 50718 ssh2
    [2019-06-04 16:56:29] Failed password for invalid user roo from port 50718 ssh2
    [2019-06-04 16:56:29] Received disconnect from port 50718:11: Normal Shutdown [preauth]
    [2019-06-04 16:56:29] Disconnected from invalid user roo port 50718 [preauth]
    [2019-06-04 16:56:42] Accepted password for root from port 50719 ssh2
    [2019-06-04 19:08:11] Accepted password for root from port 52539 ssh2