Posts by o10x


    I updated to the latest version of LibreELEC (LibreELEC-S905.arm-8.2-8.1.9-temp_sensor_disabled.img); by placing the image file in /storage/.update; but I figured the device tree would be the same, thus i failed to include that when I ran the update...

    Update Worked, but failed to boot...

    So I used Libreelec's Windows USB/SD Creation tool (normally im on Linux(and use DD), but im stuck on windows at the moment).. I placed the correct dtb.img file in the folder; the S905 Failed to boot... I tried a few other dtb's with no luck; then i remembered i still had a copy of LE on a diffrent stick(8.0.2 maybe) but setup for a S905X, so i tried using it with a new dtb it booted, but failed after the LE Screen (with a green screen)

    I then copyed all the files on USB Stick 1(8.1.9) to USB Stick 2(8.0.2, now 8.1.9) and it booted great, BUT it used my local /dev/system(aka /flash) and local /dev/data(aka /storage) thus it apears to be running off the main "drive"???

    I tried running the instaltointernal script, it failed (no libreelec in /flash)

    So I tried DDing the dtb.img to /dev/dtb (dd if =dtb.img to /dev/dtb); when i rebooted my OEM "Splash" logo was missing, but it still didnt boot...

    Tossed back in the usb, this time i remounted /dev/system as read/write and copied everything from the usb stick their....

    Rebooted, Still no luck... back to usb stick...

    then i tried Installtointernal again, this time it "worked" but failed to do anything because of "/flash" being mounted

    So I am at a loss of what to do, outside of using the Amlogic Flashing tool, finding a sutable Android Image, Flashing that, then starting from scratch, but I Shouldn't have to do that...

    Optimally I would like to get this booting again without the USB stick Present. and secondary id like to restore an OEM logo of some sort (if possible)

    Its funny though, All my addons, Skin Settings, even wifi settings are present, its like is only utilizing the device tree from the usb stick

    Any suggestions would be appreacted

    Thanks in advance


    *** Note i have another S905_p200_1G_100M Here and the "secound" usb boots fine on that, w/o reading the local settings etc(ie it loads from the usb stick)***

    Cheers o10x

    I have already tried lots of different options of the dtb files with 08 and 09 but I get different results, although I haven't checked the USB ports when trying them, but different dtb files gives me no sound but network or network but no sound.... It's very odd that's why I was trying to find out what android firmware is running on the box so I could compare?

    Any other thoughts is there a way to find out the firmware details via ssh?



    I have played with a few,

    I found sound issues, network issues, etc.. but the USB storage was always present,

    Firmware Version -- Sure its listed when you first ssh.. Problem is, Libreelec is Linux, not android (Android is also Linux, but to a lesser extent)

    # LibreELEC #
    # LibreELEC – Just enough OS for KODI #

    LibreELEC (community) Version: devel-20161109230131-r24433-g7e8b96d
    LibreELEC git: 7e8b96d91922b126ffecc4a457b9a590e66e9c5d

    Version Specifies the firmware you are running, I would try the "Krypton builds" because as far as i know it uses a different kernel than the Jarvis Builds thus it might have different USB support ..

    Your only other option would be to flash back to Android(ie Stock Rom), If then in a terminal emulator, type lsusb and see what the output is (and record it) so you know what USB hub is built into your device(and if it actually works).. then you might be able to find a kernel that hubs support

    Hey Mark;

    I am using a different box; but this is a fairly standard "output" of the isusb command (its from a A95X_S905_1G/8G)

    LibreELEC:~ # lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

    I have nothing connected to the unit, but the "root hubs" are still displayed, if it doesn't display any information about the root hubs, the Linux kernel ins't recognizing the ports whatsoever..

    Unfortunately; from my experimentation of these Libreelec builds the incorrect device tree, doesn't seem to make a difference when it comes to usb

    what build are you currently running? As far as I know the "8.0" builds (although alpha state) use a newer kernel often times, newer linux kernels contain newer and more complete drivers(im talking about linux in genral)

    Try Doing this
    Open&Connect with putty
    after logging in type
    "cd /storage/.update"
    "wget gxbb_p200_2G_100M.dtb" or "wget gxbb_p200_2G_100M_RealtekWiFi.dtb" (depending on your device)
    "mv gxbb_p200_2G_100M.dtb dtb.img" or "mv gxbb_p200_2G_100M_RealtekWiFi.dtb"
    "wget LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-8.0-devel-20161109230131-r24433-g7e8b96d.img.gz"

    Give it about 5mins (or until you see its fully updated and rebooted)
    Open&Connect with putty
    after logging in type

    If the output is still null your are probably out of luck, to go back to the old verison (
    "cd /storage/.update"
    "wget gxbb_p200_2G_100M.dtb" or "wget gxbb_p200_2G_100M_RealtekWiFi.dtb" (depending on your device)
    "mv gxbb_p200_2G_100M.dtb dtb.img" or "mv gxbb_p200_2G_100M_RealtekWiFi.dtb"
    "wget LibreELEC-S905.aarch64-"

    Hope this helps, Look forward to your responce

    Note, apparently the URL links are getting turnicated, right click on the link and select "copy link address" for the full link

    I am having a "minor" problem ~ I am using an A95X_S905_1G/8G - NAND INSTALL ONLY (Never successfully got it to boot off SD)

    I have tried the following "builds"

    Anyway, on my Windows System, I can connect to and even "mount" the SDCARD.. (\\\mmcblk1p1-mmc-APPSD_0x00000357)
    It will allow me to copy/write approximately 1GB to the SD card_ After that it "complains" that the "drive is full" the SD Card is about 18% full (its a 32gb) and I can continue to write to it via SFTP, but it will not allow me to write any additional files to the SD via SAMBA until I reflash the box (put the appropriate files in in /storage/.update and issue the reboot command, via putty)

    This is a fairly minor problem, as i can transfer files via SFTP, but it would be nice if I could properly utilize Samba

    A temporary solution I have found, is ExpanDrive..