Hi, I created a folder with icons for the various iptv channels, everything works perfectly just because every time libreelec starts to load icons and takes an exaggerated time before ending the pairing with the icon channels, I wanted to know if it was You can avoid all this and keep the icons already loaded previously without having to reload each time at startup, to avoid wasting a lot of time. Thank you.
Posts by marcavatar
Ciao, ho creato una cartella con le icone per i vari canali, tutto funziona alla perfezione possibile evitare tutto questo e pregare le icone già caricate in precedenza senza dover ricorrere ad ogni volta ricaricare all'avvio, per evitare di perdere un sacco di tempo. Grazie.
Hello, I'm not very practical and I wanted to ask you a couple of questions, I installed the latest version of LibreELEC (Leia) 9.0.0 RELEASE on an ODROID C2 and I noticed the appearance of quite annoying artifacts when playing streaming videos, this on iptv video, I tried to inform me if it was possible to reduce the problem and I found this link kodi-im...postazioni-consigliate-e- addon-da-uso / where it says that l 'hardware accelerator present in the settings cause artifacts and then disable it should reduce the problem, it is feasible or can burden the CPU in video processing, one last thing, there is an ssh command to check the percentage of work of the quad core of my ODROID individually, thank you and sorry if I have dwelt, good evening.
Ciao, non sono molto pratico e volevo farti un paio di domande, ho installato l'ultima versione di LibreELEC (Leia) 9.0.0 RELEASE su un ODROID C2 e ho notato la comparsa di artefatti piuttosto fastidiosi durante la riproduzione di video in streaming, questo su video iptv, ho cercato di informarmi se fosse possibile ridurre il problema e ho trovato questo link https://www.pallok.com/kodi-imigliore…-consigliate-e- addon-da-usare / dove dice che l'acceleratore hardware presente nelle impostazioni causa artefatti e quindi disabilitarlo dovrebbe ridurre il problema, è fattibile o può gravare sulla CPU nell'elaborazione video, un'ultima cosa, c'è un comando ssh per controllare il percentuale di lavoro del quad core della mia ODROID singolarmente, grazie e scusate se mi sono dilungato, buona sera.
Hi, I wanted to ask you if you can sketch lower video resolutions than hd. I have a friend who uses mostly shaded screens, or some add ons that allow this. It seems to remind you that on older xbmc versions you could skip various video resolutions beyond 1080p and 720p. Thank you.
Hi, I installed libreelec and wanted to share my files on external hard drives via SFTP protocol. I installed openmediavault and set up the protocol. On filezilla and Winscp works, connects to the server and opens the folders, but when i go to configure on new shares-add network address Secure Shell protocol (ssh-sftp) gives me connection error and does not open anything i have tried in all ways, does anyone have any experience with this protocol? I've been trying two days, and thank you again.
Thanks for the answer, I use a ODROID c2 so I have to find an addon compatible with ARM64. -
Hallo. I wanted to ask regarding the ability to view libreelec on other PCs via VNC I saw that for rasperry exists an add on called raspberry VNC
, there is such a thing for ODROID, it would be very convenient to use a single terminal to make various settings and updates in particular for those with multiple devices scattered around the house. Thank you.External Content www.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy. -
Hello, thanks for the answer, I'll try what you have written me over, do it this way to avoid writing too much on the sd card and then use it to boot read, consider the sd card very delicate and will ruin over time, I consider the usb stick much more solid and secure. -
Sorry but I do not speak English well, then the procedure used to OpenELEC is as follows in this 124-raspberry-p...-right-way link.
The procedure is for the most Rasperry but also works with other cards, I currently use a ODROID c2.
I tried ache with Libreelec but does not work, I wanted to ask if anyone had been able to start the system on sd and then having the different configurations and the library of usb .. -
Scusa ma non parlo bene l'inglese, allora la procedura usata per openelec è la seguente in questo link OpenELEC Mediacenter - OpenELEC Forum - Raspberry Pi USB boot/storage - THE RIGHT WAY! (1/5).
La procedura è per il Rasperry pi ma funziona anche con altre schede, io attualmente uso un odroid c2.
Ho provato ache con Libreelec ma non funziona, volevo chiedere se qualcuno era riuscito a far partire il sistema su sd e poi avere le varie configurazioni e la libreria su usb.Grazie. -
Hello. I recently went from OpenELEC to Libreelec, use as a device ODROID C2, first with OpenELEC was heading the system of sd card and then the rest, configuration and library had about usb them through the system described on OpenELEC forum. This allowed me in case of problems with the sd card to get my parameters and listed safe now I can not do it on Libreelec probably works differently. Do you know if someone has already done this procedure with Libreelec? Do you have a tutorial somewhere? Thank you.