Posts by sonofdibnah

    I don't seem to be getting the installation process to work for me. As I'm only capable of copying the commands into terminal, I don't understand what happens next when I've run ir-keytable -a /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg -s rc0.

    The terminal then says : "table from /etc/rc_keymaps or /usr/lib/udev/rc_keymaps". Is this a question or is it just a message to tell me what it has done?

    I can confirm that the 2 files are in place (Lordjontan post #50 above) in their correct positions and that the rc_maps.cfg file has been appropriately edited. I copied them to their locations using kodi file manager.

    i'd be grateful for any advice.


    The Kore (kodi remote) app from playstore works with Open PHT.

    Apart from that I'd just like to comment that on a few occasions when I've booted up, it hasn't signed me in and won't allow me to sign in manually. Has anyone else experienced this and is there anything else that can be done other than reboot until it signs in and my libraries are detected?

    Thanks in advance for any info on the above.

    Hello @viesen. I thought it was about time I updated my earlier post after spending a little time with OpenPHT. My initial comment seems unfair now because I have seen for myself how much faster and better it is over the kodi addon. Thank you so much for bringing this to the community. I'm hooked now.

    I'm now running this from internal on my MXQ S805 boxes with Libreelec running off SD card. That way, I can get to Kodi if needed by simply rebooting and back to Open PHT by "reboot from Internal" from Kodi. This way round, I can swap between them without having to physically remove the SD card.

    For the benefit of other people who may be interested, in doing this, I've learnt:

    - ssh command installtointernal works with OpenPHT set up on the SD card. The ssh login password is openpht.

    - the version of OpenPHT left behind on the SD card can be reverted to Libreelec by placing the appropriate Libreelec .img file in the update folder.

    - If you backup the Libreelec that's in internal before moving Open PHD to internal, you can restore the backup to the SD version and save loads of set up time.

    - If you use Libreelec kodi's default skin, Estuary, the power menu has an option to "reboot from internal".

    - The kodi plex addon still has some use as it means that within Kodi there's no need to set up file locations in order to view Films, TV shows and music. My Kodi is now only set to show addons, favourites and weather on the main screen.

    Hope the above is useful to someone and not just the ramblings of a compulsive tweaker.

    Thank you @viesen for this interesting development. I'm new to plex server but have it running on Dietpi and I'm very happy with it, so I'm in the interested but slightly puzzled newbie phase about all this client stuff.

    I have a novice's question for you or anyone who would care to educate me. What are the differences between this and the kodi plex addon?

    I have set it up on an S805 box and first impressions are that its different visually to the standard plex layout but at least equal to it. From a quick test, I think that one difference is that I can view plex channels through it. That said, for me, this wouldn't be a reason for moving away from LibreElec with the kodi plex addon.

    Thanks in advance to anyone who replies.

    My day just gets better. I won at snooker this evening and came home to this.

    I'm very happy to say that the internal wifi is back on the S805 box marked A85 that I have in one of my rooms. I tested it on a 720 stream from BBC Iplayer so the speed is up there with the other boxes I own.

    Thank you so much Kszaq and I hope you enjoyed the coffees I sent you recently (johnstanleyuk).

    Sorry for the delay kszaq - the whole ssh thing is very new to me and I had to do a fair bit of reading to get you the results. You are right that the wifi did work in earlier builds, probably the 7 versions because I'd let a friend borrow the box and upgraded it when he returned it. I can restore earlier versions to test if this helps but i can't be any more specific from memory.

    I hope this means something to you!

    # udevadm info /sys/bus/sdio/devices/sdio*

    P: /devices/platform/aml_sdio.0/mmc_host/sdio/sdio:0001/sdio:0001:1

    E: DEVPATH=/devices/platform/aml_sdio.0/mmc_host/sdio/sdio:0001/sdio:0001:1

    E: MODALIAS=sdio:c07v3030d3030

    E: SDIO_CLASS=07

    E: SDIO_ID=3030:3030

    E: SUBSYSTEM=sdio

    So sorry kszaq. Like so many others before me I thought I could skip the rules for bug reporting and someone would fix it blind. Anyhow, if I've done it right here's something to go on. I took recreation to be going to the Network settings screen where only the wired option is available. As you'll see, I'm using 8.1.1 that you don't seem to have announced yet but the problem was there before when I was on 8.0.2e.

    Sorry my signature is way out of date.

    I have a box labelled A85 which works with Libreelec on the HD18q version using the remote from the M201. I know that wifi worked when I first set Libreelec up. It doesn't now. What's happened is that "Wireless Networks" is missing from Libreelec network settings. If I connect a USB wifi dongle, these settings reappear.

    Does anyone in this excellent community have any tips on what I can do to restore the inbuilt wifi or to confirm that the wifi module has failed?

    Thanks for reading

    Does anyone here know why I only get file copy/move speeds of around 900KB/s when copying/moving files between 2 boxes (nexteon red tick) both of which have portable hard discs attached? Box 1 is connected directly to my router by cat5e, Box 2 by Av200 powerline.

    Unfortunately I can't attach both drives to the same box as there seems to be insufficient power to run both. I have, however attached a drive to my router using its Samba capabilities. The box that's directly connected to the router will transfer at about 5MB/s. That's still slower than I'd have thought for throughput on 100Mb LAN (100Mb being 12.5MB and all that).

    I hope someone can shed some light on this even if it is to say that this is a feature I'll have to live with.

    The issue is that I get extremely low file transfer speeds using file manager when I try to move a file between two external hard drives:

    • Directly connected to one box (I have upped the power supply to support both drives).
    • Each connected to a box connected by either wifi or ethernet (via powerline). In this case, one drive is set up as a windows share on the receiving box.

    I've connected the 2 drives to my laptop and can transfer at about 25MB/s but when connect the drives to a box I get

    Kszak, Sorry for the misleading statement that all remote keys work in Estuary. I've just realised that I'd gone back to a previous version to see if Reboot From Internal was available on it. When I read your reply, I changed the skin to Estuary and simply forgot what I'd done.

    Can't believe that I could be so daft.