Posts by kostaman

    Great news.
    Do us testers just wait for Update Zip or do we have to do a fresh install on top of Dev Build already installed.

    For people wanting to test 4K H265 Video files and more , I use an addon called Video Test Files which is in
    Mafarricos Repo. Link: Google URL Shortener

    So far everything works from test videos i have tried. They all play. (Beware the streams are large and buffering due to the source)

    Tested on MiniMX 1GB / 8gb

    Sharp Quatron Aquos 70 inch 180p TV

    You have to exectute commands I posted in Code bracket if you want to make sure that internal memory is visible to LE kernel.

    LibreELEC (community) Version: # mkdir -p /tmp/systemLibreELEC:~ # mount -o ro /dev/system /tmp/systemLibreELEC:~ # ls /tmp/systemapp                   framework             priv-appbin                   lib recovery-from-boot.pbuild.prop lost+found            ttschksum_list media                 usretc                   package_config        vendorfonts                 preinstall            xbinLibreELEC:~ #

    Pasted output above.
    Thanks again.

    LibreELEC (community) Version: # system-sh: system: not foundLibreELEC:~ #

    I installed SD card Version. Toothpick method it went into factory recovery screen. Chose reboot and the box booted into
    LibreELEC after that.
    All working really fast.
    Pressing power button on remote does a clean full power off.
    Choosing Suspend from my skin menu Does a clean power off as well.
    Choosing reboot works.
    No Suspend.
    I SSH into box and issued system command and received the above.
    I'm not sure if system is the command after logging in is what you meant. If so something is not right.

    Just had a friend drop off an all black MXQ s805 for me to show him how to flash
    I am not going to do it as i am not sure about the 8GB eMMC FLASH instead
    of NAND in this box. I haven't seen this before in All Black MXQ's
    Is it safe to flash. I'm not sure eMMC is supported in your builds ??
    I will wait before doing it.

    I do understand the frustration, I know how many clones I personally encountered with MXq boxes and its rediculas. I really have not seen anyone get an Android box LCD to work, that is why I wondered if anyone had on anthing. I know its a ton of work and I would never actually expect it or even ask the developers to do it. If anyone ever gets any displays working let me know. I know one person that got it all working on the M10 but will not share as he is in sales - *** URL Removed *** he has it all working on Openelec but would not share the info, I thought about just buying another box to figure it all out for the community, that is the last resort I guess as I already have a wack load of boxes. Thank you again

    Try below links from people who know lcd control and they are opensource people.
    I cant help you with this but do let everyone know how you went.
    Good luck.

    Kodi4Smartie - LCD Smartie DLL for Kodi - Home
    LCD Smartie - A free open-source LCD program!

    Thanks for the reply, I was not being rude asking for help, thanks for showing what post number I posted before, that helps. I was asking for advice from anyone that knew anything about lcd, in my original post I did not ask for possibly a generic lcd.conf I was not sure if anyone had a working LCD.conf for any sort of android box I could look at. Ill look into the Android firmware again as I did before asking to see if I missed anything. Once I figure it out I will post in so it can help others. Just like I posted all my custom roms over at MBox forums.... Thanks again for the help

    Not a problem. Sorry if i sounded a bit hard. It is just that the s805 chip is ending up in so many casings , boards and now with LED screens versions it is another variable to get working that is frankly not worth spending time on.
    "Development Time" spent on getting the box stable and quality playback is what what it's all about.
    You might want to head over to the MXQ s805 clone forum where most of us have come from to see what we have been through.
    Link: MXQ "All Black" S805 Versions / HD18q / and Clones Directory -

    Been searching high and low with not a lot of luck. Is there a generic LCD.conf used for android boxes with LibreElec, I Have a T8 Plus, World TiVi s805 like an mxq, and an M10 all with displays, I can not get any to work. Any advice would be great.

    Thank you

    Duplicating the same issue in this forum again and again is not going to solve it for you. #394
    Your boxes have LCD displays which are activated via the code written in your Chinese Android Firmware.
    What makes the Displays work will be governed by the Firmware. You have 3 different boxes and dont think the Android Firmware
    will be the same for all of them.
    We have had enough trouble with the Blue Light / Red light (all black MXQ's)coming on staying on etc due to different boards, U-Boot , Device Tree on Factory Android Firmware.
    You may just have to live with it.
    My advice is dont touch anything with LCD screens unless you can deal with Linux Builds not showing Displays properly.
    Good luck with it.


    Be interesting to see your advanced xml code just to see if there's anything in it that might help improve my boxes playback especially web streams. Not a fan of zero cacheing just wondering if cache can be specified? BBC is solid at 720p but others like Sky news at 1080p buffer after 20 seconds or so, might be my crappy ADSL (actually the guys upstairs).

    Anyway local files seem to play better with K's code.

    EDIT: Found this, which answers a few questions: HOW-TO:Modify the video cache - Official Kodi Wiki
    EDIT 2: And this seems to give all the Advanced XML options which is a good refernece: advancedsettings.xml - Official Kodi Wiki

    I just tried UpnP instead of SMB and the UpnP is so much faster.
    I'm a little confused with your setup. Is your hard drive connected to the router ?
    That is how interpreted local files in your network.
    Try UpnP and see what happens.
    Note i can see about 75mb cached when pressing "o" on keyboard. It stays at that
    number. I presume kszaq has that set in this version ? I cant confirm this.
    So my cachebuffer file must only work with live streaming. Again i am only guessing.

    Be interesting to see your advanced xml code just to see if there's anything in it that might help improve my boxes playback especially web streams. Not a fan of zero cacheing just wondering if cache can be specified? BBC is solid at 720p but others like Sky news at 1080p buffer after 20 seconds or so, might be my crappy ADSL (actually the guys upstairs).

    Anyway local files seem to play better with K's code.

    EDIT: Found this, which answers a few questions: HOW-TO:Modify the video cache - Official Kodi Wiki
    EDIT 2: And this seems to give all the Advanced XML options which is a good refernece: advancedsettings.xml - Official Kodi Wiki

    I use Ares Wizard add-on. Its got a tweak tab which calculates your ram and then you choose suggested mb. then installs it.
    I use its maintenance tab as well.
    Its not one of those wizards that builds your box.


    BUG: I've noticed that local vid files are being buffered which I'm sure never used to happen and I thought this might have helped minimise frame drops although the verdict is out on that. The problem is that after a pause when starting playback the first 10 to 15 seconds of the vid are skipped. On occasion when stopping playback the HDMI connections also drops. I can revive the connection by pressing play or similar.

    Not a big bug! But one that is annoying any ideas what is causing this?

    I just hooked up my WD Essential HD (Mains Powered) to my router/modem and used "SMB" path to test video playback.
    I use Ethernet Over Power Adapter for the box.
    I have no such issues at all. I paused and left a 3.9 gb movie paused for 5 minutes and hit play no issue.
    I fast forwarded at x32 for 10 minutes hit play no issues.
    Tried about 5 different file types as well as containers.
    I cannot get it to to drop HDMI connection either.
    Please note i have cachemembuffersize set to 170mb. I think kodi is set to 60mb ?
    I dont know if this is why i dont have the issues.
    kszaq can answer this.

    First Post.
    power LED on not officially supported boxes may not work as intended (too many boards to support them with a single build)

    Please explain what issues exactly tou are having with CEC.
    There are settings for CEC that may help.

    See Post. LibreELEC

    Yeah i have and on Kodi.
    I'm thinking of putting android back on and changing the CEC settings on that then flashing LibreElec back to NAND.
    Would that effect LibreElec at all? Cause i know it effects the resolution on bootup from when i was playing around with previous problems.

    thanks for the assistance also guys

    I'm not sure if you have more than 1 HDMI port into the TV ?
    I guess you have tried a different one if you had one ?
    Sorry if i am asking the obvious.