Posts by kostaman

    Are you also getting judder?

    I only stumbled on the H265 issue and this is all i have tested. It is virtually un playable. It starts up ok and 30 seconds in it freezes picture with audio still going and picture stop starts out of sync artifacts the whole disaster. I dont recall ever having issues with H265.
    I will do some more tests i just remembered i have a repo somewhere that has an addon which has streams in different file formats.
    It is a legal addon as the streams are test clips but i am not sure i should post link.
    Google Portuguese Mafarricos repositorio

    Updated, seems fine, will report any bugs if I notice them.

    Hey PatrickJB
    I have not been using the All Black MXQ for a while but updated today and am having issues playing H265 files in that
    i get artifacts and picture lockups with sound proceeding normally. Basically a dogs breakfast.
    Same file plays perfect on my s905 box.
    In your own time no rush. Just curious as i have this box in a spare room and stumbled accross the bug.
    Have not done much testing with the s805 lately.

    Do you think it's a problem with the android FW not being exactly "T95n" or the dtb not being exactly "T95n" that's causing the issue with Nand installl?

    I've already covered this with kszaq. He believes it is the power management in wifi which is disabled in this release.
    I have read about this issue elsewhere and it may be a Kernel Panic. Dont take that as confirmed until kszaq advises what is causing this.

    Anyone using 0006 Nand Or SD LE with the T95N MiniM8s Pro may or may not be aware that wifi is not working.
    If you have wifi enabled you will experience random lock ups. Trying to disable it even when ethernet is connected will cause lockups whilst unchecking wifi.
    It took me 5 goes to unplug and replug box then quickly into LE configurations to successfully uncheck wifi before it succeeded.
    After that the box running ethernet has been stable.
    kszaq is aware of the issue which might be caused by "disabled power management for wifi" in this 0006 release.
    The only way to use this box is ethernet or nothing.

    One final question. I suppose it's too late now but should I have updated the Mini MXIII firmware to the latest version prior to installing LibreElec to the NAND? Would that have helped improve LibreElec at all or does the MXIII firmware make no difference to LibreElec and only helps Android function?

    Not so important if it is working eg: wifi ethernet.
    More important is that you have saved a recovery image and original device tree so as to get into recovery when a LE update is released.
    If you haven't you should ask members in this forum with this box to share it with you.

    When using the SD card with toothpick, the Beelink just keeps rebooting to the Beelink logo, it never proceeds, I've waited over a minute. When I let go of the toothpick it boots normally into Android.

    Get into recovery and then insert SD card. Then apply update from SD card. (Choose the LE update zip)
    I have had this issue before.

    I was wondering if you might be able to advise me. I have the Nexbox A95x S905. I have booted from SD no problem and everything seems to work fine however when I try to install to nand I extract the contents of on a fat 32 formatted sd card along with the renamed device tree to ledtb.img using the toothpick method (i have the original android firmware in place still) however it just reboots to the stock android without installing.
    Can you offer any advice?


    If you want to flash anything to NAND after LE installed, you have to have recovery.img and dtb.img from original Android firmware on another SD card or you wont be able to get into recovery without it.

    Try getting into recovery without SD card inserted. Then insert SD card with LE files and install as the link below.


    Thank **** for that, I thought it was just me,

    No it is an issue with this box. What i have noticed is when the box first starts up and hooks up (hit or miss)
    it looks like it is fine until you go to play something and it then degragates to crawl speed. The signal also drops by half.
    I'm not sure if it has to do with power management relating to wifi drivers. Out of my depth with this.
    kszaq may have the answer. Thanks for reading/replying. Wait for others with same box to report.


    Device tree above worked for the T95N MiniM8s Pro.

    I have tried BOTH update and fresh install methods. Both worked.

    Well i haven't realised but the wifi is erratic. I dont normally use it and today my wife took it into another room without ethernet and the box keeps un hooking itself from network and freezing just using UI. the signal goes from really strong to weak and then no throughput. In LE settings i get the wheel of death spin when with no networks showing up.
    Eventually i unplug and replug device until it hooks up to my network but the signal is really weak.
    Whilst it is connected to my network i go into LE Settings and when i look into connections no other networks appear except the one i am connected to.
    I may have a wifi driver issue/missing?
    My question is ? Can this be that i am using a device tree from a different box?
    I uploaded device tree for the MiniM8s Pro 17/8/16 but it is not the one listed in device trees link.
    The device tree for the minim8s (gxbb_p200_mini_m8s.dtb) freezes on logo.
    Same thing has happened to my other identical box with SD Card install.
    I thought it was only the related to NAND install.