Posts by Jimmy123ABC

    Has anyone else had this issue where the group view only has one option instead of multiple ?

    Normally it gives you a list to choose from i.e United Kingdom etc

    Also tried it via the xtream-editor link but still no joy.

    Running the latest Raspberry Pi 3 image, works fine on the Android and OSX app builds.

    Thanks for any support.


    Thanks for the information.

    I have a m3u link but I am unable to add the IPTV Simple Client add-on, before you could click on Enable and this would prompt you to setup the PVR function, the normal window I would to expect to appear allowing you to install all the different options does not, and the PVR feature stays disabled.

    I've tried it on a different build from XBian which works but the build seem not as up to date as this one.

    Is this a build issue ?



    Can anyone tell my why I am unable to activate the PVR feature ?

    I'm using a new PI 3 with a fresh LibreElec install, however when I go to enable the feature I get a pop up box saying "No PVR add-ons could be found", After clicking ok I was then expecting to get a second screen appear allowing me to select IPTV Simple Client but this doesn't happen.

    Am I doing something wrong ?

    Thanks for any help.
