I am using following autossh.sh
Codeif pgrep "autossh" > /dev/null then : else autossh -M 0 -f -N -R <target_machine_availability_port>:localhost:22 <target_machine> -p <target_machine_ssh_port> -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -o "ExitOnForwardFailure yes" fi
keys are setuped between Rpi <--> Target_machine already, so simple ssh <target_machine> -p <target_mchine_ssh_port> works out of the box from Rpi shell.
+ just to be sure, crontab item
Many thanks! I do get the autossh options, but not sure about the tunnel. I want two ports from remote server to be tunneled to my local client, lets say ports 9111 and 9112. The remote server SSH is listening on port 1255.
And where do you put/edit the autossh.sh in Libreelec?