Hi Hias,
How are you? I have moved from Openelec to Libreelec now (your latest 7.x build).
Need your help!
I am trying following setup and it is not working. Please note that my Wolfson card is already configured and working fine. Current setup is, its mounted on RPi3 and its playing music from my HDD that is connected to RPi3 (USB). My RPi3 is also outputting local HDD media to TV via HDMI.
Use case: I have connected my Amazon FireTV stick to TV (TV is connected to RPi3 via HDMI cable ARC compatible) and I want the audio from the programs played on TV from FireTV stick to play on external speakers connected to Woflson Card on RPi3.
So far from my reading, I understand the RPi3 does not support ARC audio playback from TV (Please let me know if this is possible though).
Hence as an alternative, I am trying to connect my TV Toslink audio output to RPi3 via Wolfson card SPDIF input/RX and get output to the speakers connected to Wolfson speaker terminals (amplified ones). Since SPDIF on Audio card only takes Coaxial input, I have purchased a cheap Toslink optical to Coaxial cable converter and connected TV to Wolfson Card.
However, this setup is not working. Can you please help me to resolve this issue?
1. I have copied listen scripts from listen-scripts.tgz to /storage and also provide it will 777 permissions
(just in case).
2. My UDEV rules look like:
# enable SPDIF plus all analog outputs
SUBSYSTEM=="sound", ACTION=="add|change", ATTR{id}=="sndrpiwsp", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/SPDIF_playback.sh -q", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/Playback_to_Lineout.sh -q", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/Playback_to_Headset.sh -q", \
RUN+="/usr/bin/Playback_to_Speakers.sh -q", \
RUN+="/storage/Listen_to_SPDIF_on_Speakers.sh eq", \
RUN+="/storage/Listen_to_LineIn_on_Lineout.sh eq", \
RUN+="/storage/Listen_to_LineIn_on_SPDIF.sh eq", \
RUN+="/storage/Listen_to_LineIn_on_Speakers.sh eq", \
RUN+="/storage/Listen_to_SPDIF_on_LineOut.sh eq", \
RUN+="/storage/Listen_to_SPDIF_on_SPDIF.sh eq"
Note: From putty terminal I tried running one of the listen scripts "/storage/Listen_to_SPDIF_on_Speakers.sh" and one of the error/output that shows on the terminal is :
+ amixer -q -Dhw:0 cset name=TX Playback Switch off
amixer: Cannot find the given element from control hw:0
Can you please let me know what is going wrong here? I have read your initial response on similar topic on this forum and have followed all the instructions?