Posts by andy5macht

    Hello everyone!

    I have to say that i use a LibreELEC build from Raybuntu from the forums at but this issue seems tvheadend relatet I am posting in this forum - I got the hope you can help me with that.

    The Link to the Thread at odroid-community:

    Hardware: Odroid C2 / Sundtec Media TV III (DVB-C/T/T2)
    Software: LibreELEC 8 community 64bit kernel 32bit libs - => this one: LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.arm-8.0-beta1i

    - Live TV with Sundtec Media TV III => DVB-C not working - scanning/tune at tvheadend is broken.
    - At Tvheadend config page there is ony the DVB-C showing up (no DVB-T)

    Here is the log of tvheadend:

    I already did the following tests:

    can you help me getting this working please, would be really awesome!!!
    btw.: the last realease for Odroid C2 (64bit) works fine, i just want to use 32bit version in future.

    this is how i looks if i pause an SD channel for a few minutes...after channel switch they disappear (deleted) - so timeshift works as far as i see. isnt this working as it should?? pause and resume works so i dont know. but i will try with *.ts ending later today. (at first i will enjoy working timeshift - TV without commercials :P )

    LibreELEC:~ # cat dmest > /var/media/250GB_USB/TV-Record/Timeshift
    -sh: can't create /var/media/250GB_USB/TV-Record/Timeshift: Is a directory

    this is how i looks, when i activate timeshift: (checkbox gets unchecked and settings disappear)

    it stays disabled...but if i edit config file for timeshift manually it works!!!

    now this is my working config (manually edited to enabled=true)

    i cant see any output when enabling Timeshift but anyway here the is the log:

    i want to use timeshift on the Odroid C2 as well.
    of course i dont want to write timeshift-buffer to SD/EMMC - i would use external HDD.
    but when i activate timeshift, it gets disabled automatically - is there a version of tvheadend with working timeshift?

    Hello to all users of this superb community!

    I want so use Odroid-C2/LibreELEC as 4k-Media player. This is working really fine! Thanks to all involved to this!
    In addition i want to be able to watch analog composite video using a Composite Video grabber. LogiLink® USB 2.0 Audio and Video Grabber
    The right modules for the "USB-Composite grabber" are being loaded:
    if i do "ls -la" in dev i get the needed line:

    crw-rw-r--    1 root     video      81,   0 Aug 22 15:24 video0

    found this via google - but this does not work sadly (no playable file can be found)


    create a file called Video-In.strm with this content:


    and launch file via videos

    i can use this as framegrabber for hyperion with the following config - working fine!:

    but where/how to put these parameters for video playback? Video-In.strm?