Hi CvH!
I did what you suggested, infortunately with no luck
I tried every card number that was mentioned in the list you referred (6.5. EM28xx cards list — Linux Media Subsystem Documentation documentation) as em2820. So I went through the painful process of trying each card number, and they were quite a lot (1,2,3,4,5,9,12,14,24,25,26,27,28,30,58,6162,65,71)
For each card number I did:
1) Change the conf file: "echo "options em28xx card=X" >/storage/.config/modprobe.d/em28xx.conf" (where X stands for the card number of the corresponding try)
2) Rebooted the system: "reboot"
3) Stopped the TvHeadEnd service: "systemctl stop service.tvheadend42.service"
4) Started the TvHeadEnd service: "systemctl start service.tvheadend42.service"
5) Acessed the TvHeadend page (ip:9981), and checked for tv adapters in "Configuration > DVB devices"
For each try I also checked the result of the dmesg command, and I concluded that the system was correctly assuming the card number that I explicitely indicated in the conf file.
I honestly don't know what else to try, or if I'm doing anything wrong. Do you have any other suggestions? I hope I gave enough detail. If not, please say so.
Many thanks.