Posts by uatschitchun

    Ok, I pick up this thread as I've got similar issues with snapclient on 10.0.3 RPi4.

    With snapclient addon active, the snapclient receives audio from snapserver (running on different machine), but kodi itself has no audio. Even in settings audio is greyed out.

    With snapclient deactivated, LE starts up and kodi has audio as it should. I'm even able to activate snapclient addon then and all is fine until next reboot :(

    Anyone with an idea?

    Hi there.

    I'm running a central MySQL DB with multiple clients. All clients are Kodi 18.5. All clients save the resume points if watching a video:

    Laptop (Bionic): (tail -f kodi.log | grep -i mysql)

    2019-12-05 09:46:50.895 T:140293067859712   DEBUG: Mysql execute: DELETE FROM settings WHERE idFile=74502019-12-05 09:46:50.910 T:140293067859712   DEBUG: Mysql execute: update files set playCount=NULL,lastPlayed='2019-12-05 09:46:50' where idFile=74502019-12-05 09:46:50.919 T:140293067859712   DEBUG: Mysql execute: insert into bookmark (idBookmark, idFile, timeInSeconds, totalTimeInSeconds, thumbNailImage, player, playerState, type) values(NULL,7450,1809.793130,7001.630000,'','VideoPlayer','', 1)

    This is Amlogic Box running Coreelec:

    2019-12-05 09:25:00.400 T:3610657664   DEBUG: Mysql execute: DELETE FROM settings WHERE idFile=74502019-12-05 09:25:00.422 T:3766551424   DEBUG: Mysql execute: update files set playCount=NULL,lastPlayed='2019-12-05 09:25:00' where idFile=7450
    2019-12-05 09:25:00.431 T:3766551424   DEBUG: Mysql execute: insert into bookmark (idBookmark, idFile, timeInSeconds, totalTimeInSeconds, thumbNailImage, player, playerState, type) values(NULL,7450,3055.282872,7001.630000,'','VideoPlayer','', 1)

    This is Libreelec (9.2.0) (Rpi3):

    2019-12-05 09:51:11.188 T:1793299328   DEBUG: Mysql execute: DELETE FROM settings WHERE idFile=7448

    As you can see, all systems (except LE) do execute the insert into the Mysql DB!?

    # grep -i mysql .kodi/temp/kodi.log                                                 <type>mysql</type>
    2019-12-05 09:35:16.603 T:1807721344  NOTICE: MYSQL: Connected to version 10.4.10-MariaDB-1:10.4.10+maria~bionic-log
    2019-12-05 09:35:26.481 T:1648538496  NOTICE: []: Database driver: External (mysql)
    2019-12-05 09:35:26.481 T:1648538496  NOTICE: []: Using MySQL connector version 1.1.7
    2019-12-05 09:35:26.695 T:1648538496  NOTICE: []: Connected to server running 10.4.10-MariaDB-1:10.4.10+maria~bionic-log
    2019-12-05 09:38:01.949 T:1249416064   DEBUG: Mysql execute: DELETE FROM settings WHERE idFile=7448
    2019-12-05 09:51:11.188 T:1793299328   DEBUG: Mysql execute: DELETE FROM settings WHERE idFile=7448

    As you can see, the connection is established, no errors regarding MySQL and even Mediathekview is able to connect to the DB.

    Only thing is, there's no bookmark execution running into the DB if a video is played from LE.

    I noticed that even playcounts for audio aren't saved into the DB from LE, but I have no logs available atm.

    Pls, couldn't anyone tell what's needed to get this one pinned down?

    Dave and me are down to it being caused by Library Data Provider and/or Skin.Widget (both coming along with Xonfluence) and the regular queries done by that addons to the DB. MyMusic DB (MariaDB) is quite large 120k songs...
    Have had problems with mysql, so I switched to MariaDB as it's alot faster!

    Latest Milhouse (#0305) is better in the matter of "leaking" (not that fast as in the video), but there are still crashes (see above)

    I'm checking against Estuary with LDP & S.W running to see if it has an influence.

    No problem running Xonfluence with LDP & S.W on Linux (14.04) or Amlogic (kszaq) against my DB, only RPi3!

    This is Milhouse #303 running since yesterday evening.
    LDP & skin.widget together with Xonfluence (tricked it into with adapting xbmc.gui version from required 5.12 to 5.13).
    This was running over night and produced 9 crashlogs and at least 1 reboot :s

    How do I set MALLOC_MMAP_THRESHOLD by hand on RPi? It gets set from within kodi-config for 64bit, but DaveBlake wanted me to test with MALLOC_MMAP_THRESHOLD_=32768
    kodi-config is read only and /run/libreelec/kodi.conf gets overwritten each time kodi starts, so I couldn't set it there.
    I tried setting it as environment variable and


    make me believe I've done it right.
    Any other way?

    On the mem leak, this is the last entry in mysql.log:

    And this is kodi.log

    Here's a video
    Dropbox - VID_20170227_221841.mp4