Posts by ifoehn

    Windows? :cursing:

    I quit Windows more than a decade ago and would prefer not to have anything to do with it. Is there any way I can get a 0461?? (from Hauppague?) I mean, I just bought the thing on Amazon and presumably I can return it if it simply doesn't work as advertised. Problem is I don't know what else I can buy that would work. Suggestions welcome.


    it is a pitty that someone like PJO4 is asking to use a hardware under linux, and the answer is -> use windows instead.

    It is clear the the hardware ID 2013:0462 is shown in lsusb and all the kernel sources needs to have a 0461 to identify the hardware and reloads the firmware. The fact that 0462 is given, no identification takes place and therefore nothing will be loaded.

    In the manufacture informations about HAUPAUGE and PCTV (which are obviously using the same chipsets), they are using the same hardware chipsets as the former version 461. I'm pretty sure the driver and firmware will work as well, IF the 0462 identification is working and uses the same driver as the 0461.

    How it is possible to let the OS react on this new hardware.

    I'm using the same HAUPAUGE andPCTV stick with the same problem like PJO4 and I'm using it on a raspberry 3 and raspberry 4. I have tried this with the actual libreelec 12.02 and mld ( ) in release 5.4 and 6.5 .

    This is everywhere the same root cause. The hardware isn't identified because of a new identifier.

    I do not want to use a different hardware, because I plan to use a raspberry in my camper with a satellite dish, because the IPTV stream usage is much high and use the whole download resources in less than 5 days.

    Does anyone knows about a trick to make the identification possible for 2013:0462 ??

    Regards and thanks in advance
