Posts by Mr.G

    Thank you for the explantion.

    I know it's an olderbox, It was just a "can I do something with this brick".. after some googlin' and tinkering 99% of everything works in the image, so would be perhaps overkill to rebuild just kill noise in the logs, fix the LED colours and 5G

    Mind you, if I get very bored one winters evening....

    I'm still looking at why Airplay from an iPhone (IOS17) is being a pain, It worked yesterday, but not today.... as Tuneblade works everytime from the PC.



    A bit of a noob,
    LibreELEC (dtech): (Universal_k200_2G.arm)

    Where do I find the location of the URL mentioned below to lessen the noise in the logs?

    Repository add-on uses plain HTTP for add-on downloads in path

    Many thanks
