Posts by lordslash

    Hello, I am trying to run a Python script on my LibreElec (RasPI3). Unfortunately it needs the bluetooth module (pybluez) and I cannot add it through the classic pip install pybluez because the filesystem is read-only.

    Is there any workaround that I can try?

    i downloaded the wheel for arm7 and tried to follow what suggested in this discussion:

    "import" python modules aka library addons

    but I am a bit confused about how to do it..

    Any help would be appreciated!

    The driver was written by CrazyCat only a few weeks ago. You can contact him through the tvheadend forum or on his github page and try to troubleshoot the problems (I suppose the Kodi log could be enough), he seems really kimd and smart :)
    By the way I have a technaxx dvb-t stick s4 which I use to stream the italian channels here in Germany where I live and it works amazingly (and I have a simple PI 1 backend with tvheadend)

    Hi Lollo, I didn't test it so deeply yet cauze I didn't have much time but I can say that with T230C and MMAL acceleration the SD channels work really good. As I said thr HD channels don't work with LE7. Anyway do you have troubles with the italian SD or HD channels?

    Thanls CVH for the LE 7.90 build, I hope I will have time to try it tomorrow :)

    Hi lordslash,
    copy both files:
    in /storage/.config/firmware

    Thanks a lot, this helped me (sorry I didn't read the whole thread, my bad).


    CvH Wrote: I haven't build a version for LE8 yet because it is still a moving target (I start as soon we hit beta/near to this).
    CvH, I would like you build LE8 version as soon as possible - I have Magica T230 setup with nasty bug in mainstream drivers, which was somehow fixed in Crazycat driver. So please, build it so I could watch my TV

    I add myself to the request of the LE8 build: the DVB-T2 stream in Germany uses the HEVC H.265 format which is much improved in the LE8 version: I tested it with some sample files and it worked really great on my PI3 so it would be really useful to have LE8 and the T230C driver.. Thank you!

    Hello CVH, I just installed LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.0.2-dvb-drivers-1.66.img.gz and I wanted to use it with my Geniatech MyGica T230C. I activated the CrazyCat-CC DVB Driver and my TVHeadend 4.2 backend recognizes the stick as Silicon Labs Si2168 but then when I add the muxes and I scan it fails. I did a dmesg via ssh and i found this out:

    I suppose this is the reson why it doesn't work.. what am I doing wrong? Thank you!

    Hello, I bought the Geniatech MyGica T230C DVB-T2 and I would like to use it on the last version of LibreElec (Krypton v7.90.006) because it should have a good support of H265 on the Raspberry Pi 3 (for what I read, with some overclocking it should work with 1080p H265, the format used for HD channels here in Germany with the new DVB-T2 standard).
    The MyGica T230C driver has just been written and has to be manually installed on linux:

    git clone
    cd media_build
    ./build --main-git
    sudo make install

    after downloading the kernel sources (in Raspbian I would use the rpi-source).
    The problem is that LibreElec works on a read-only filesystem, so I cannot proceed as I would with my Raspbian.
    Can you help me? Thank you in advance!