Would it possible to add more profiles? One for VPN users for example.
And would this go into the LE-backup/restore ?
The unit file in LibreELEC (official): 12.0.1 for WireGuard is different compared to the wiki.
The one from the wiki works, the one in LE 12.0.1 unfortunately does not. I updated mine to be variable, however it is limited to the first VPN connection found. This way I do not have to edit
Description=WireGuard VPN Service
After=network-online.target nss-lookup.target wait-time-sync.service connman-vpn.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sh -c "connmanctl connect $(connmanctl services|awk '/vpn_/{print $NF;exit}')"
ExecStop=/usr/bin/sh -c "connmanctl disconnect $(connmanctl services|awk '/vpn_/{print $NF;exit}')"