Posts by surfrock66

    I have a fresh install of LibrecElec 11.95.2 on a Raspberry Pi 4B, and I'm having an issue installing skins. Specifically, I am looking for the Eminence skin, which I use on another older LibreELEC install. All repos appear to be working, including the Kodi and LibreELEC repo.

    When I go to Skins and select "Get More" there are very few in the list. It's just "Aeon Nox: SiLVO","Aeon Tajo", "Arctic: Zephyr - Reloaded", "Confluence", "Copacetic", "Estuary", and "Mimic-LR". None of the repos have any other skins to install.

    I went and got the zip from and downloaded it to the box. What's weird is I can see other zips in the "install from zip" interface, but I can't see the zip for the skin at all, even after verifying linux file permissions. I'm stumped. Is this a skin compatibility thing? I see no version restriction. Is this an architecture thing? I have it on other x86 systems but this is arm.

    I have a LibreElec 11 install I'm very happy with on an ANCIENT x86 computer. I'm getting ready to move away from chromecast and put small libreElec boxes all over the house, and I've just freed up several Raspberry Pi 4's which I want to use.

    I have done "Create system and Kodi" backup, but I have a bunch of stuff installed from other repos (Disney+ plugin, Amazon Prime plugin, Netflix Plugin, chrome browser plugin). Also, I'm going from x86_64 to arm64. I have to imagine it's not as simple as "restore backup" right? Also, the new ones will be new hostnames and IPs, does that get restored when I restore? I don't fully understand what comes in the backup; it's a ton of files and it almost looks like a full system image. Is it normal to cherry pick things out of a backup? Is there a better way to approach this?