Posts by MetalChris

    I suggested "video=HDMI-A-1:1280x720M@60" and not "video=HDMI-A-1:1360x768M@60" for a reason /shrug

    Yep, and when your suggestion didn't work I figured I'd take a shot in the dark and meddle around and try a few other things before giving up and doing a clean install. My time wasted might save someone else a few minutes of their time.

    You're probably right in that Linux doesn't like that 'weird resolution', but it does work. Though at least in my case, it only seems to work from a clean install.

    In any event, I'm up and running and again and appreciate you trying help salvage my messed up system.

    mount -o remount,rw /flash
    nano /flash/syslinux.cfg

    ^ edit and add params there

    Thanks for trying to help, but that didn't fix it either. I also tried adding "video=HDMI-A-1:1360x768M@60" and then tried "video=HDMI-A-1:1366x768M@60" to boot parameters as well, but that made no difference.

    Count me in as one of those "blabbing on" about that "weird resolution" lol. ;) I'll agree it's weird, but my HTPC and my Pi ran on that same TV at that resolution for over 10 years just fine. It's also the only resolution available on the Lenovo N22 and I suspect that might be part of the reason I had problems with upgrading through Libreelec.

    I went ahead and downloaded legacy generic 11.06, did a clean install and restored a backup from 2 weeks ago. Works fine now at 1360x768, just like it did before I tried to update. I don't remember if my original install was from a standard or generic package, but I'll remember to download the generic to upgrade in the future. Thanks again for trying to help.

    Running Libreelec on a Lenovo N22 Netbook with Philips TV attached via HDMI. Worked fine on LE 10.04 but after upgrade to 11.06 I'm not getting video on the TV. Libreelec splash screen displays on both TV and netbook, but as soon as Kodi GUI starts I get no video on the TV. Audio works, just no video.

    Trying getedid create as was mentioned in threads with similar problems, but I get stuck at find . -print | cpio -ov -H newc > ../edid.cpio when the system complains the file system is read only.

    Stumped. :(

    cp /etc/connman/main.conf /storage/.config/connman_main.conf
    sed -i 's/PreferredTechnologies = ethernet,wifi,cellular/PreferredTechnologies = wifi,ethernet,cellular/g' /storage/.config/connman_main.conf

    ^ beware the wrapped line in the sed command. This will tell ConnMan to prefer WiFi over Ethernet resulting in the default route to the internet being assigned to wlan0 when both eth0 and wlan0 interfaces are active.

    Thank you sir! Works as expected now. :thumbup:

    Greetings! I've recently added a LibreElec system to my home network. I have 4 Linux systems on the network and each has two network adapters. Internet access is via Wi-Fi and filesharing is via wired network. This is easily accomplished on my Lubuntu and Debian systems via the Network Connections Manager or even via CLI and manually editing a system-connection file. I can't seem to find a network configuration file to modify or any other way to configure LibreElec to do this. LibreElec does see both adapters and it will connect via both, but always defaults to using the wired connection for any network activity.

    Is it possible to manually configure two network adapters on LibreElec?