Posts by digicroxx

    it's normal, now everything is at 115200 (as it should be)

    Should I expect to have also the early boot (minloader-ddrbin-trustos) at 115200? Now this is 1500000.

    Unfortunately this week I'm busy at work, and I don't know how much I can help you

    Don't worry, you already helped a lot. I will continue by cutting branches on dtb (or merging from the one I've extracted) and maybe also trying to boot Armbian (if it really works) to compare things. I will keep you updated.

    Thanks again.

    Ok, now DTBs are less obscure to me.
    I used the tool suggested by ilmich to extract images from stock h20 firmware, then using binwalk I found in resource.img a dtb together with a bitmap.

    I extracted the dtb (and decompiled to verify it make sense).

    Then I renamed to rk322x-box.dtb and put in root of SD.

    Unfortunately now the boot stops right after the "starting kernel" message.... :cry:.

    In any case, I attach dtb here; maybe it can inspire someone...

    Thanks, ilmich ,

    Unforutnately DTBs is another black area for me (the next one I have to learn... any link to suggest :)?).

    What I have done is:

    - renamed the file to remove the .txt extension

    - changed the release script in projects/Rockchip/devices/RK322X/bootloader to add a copy of your file after the line

      cp -a "${SRCDIR}"/rk322*.dtb "${DSTDIR}"

    to overwrite the "original" dtb with the same name.

    - rebuild image together with your uboot.img

    I hope I've done it right, but in any case the result is very similar (last two rows swapped)...

    Thanks again for your effort.

    Thanks, ilmich .

    I hope I have not messed something up with the tests in the last days, but it seems that the new uboot behaviour it's similar to what I've got with the multitool's uboot.

    Also this one switches serial to 115200bps, was this expected?

    Anyway the result is:

    Then the box hangs, with no reboot.

    I hope this helps.


    Btw: In Armbian forum they suggested this

    but unfortunately I don't know (yet?) how to do that in your repo...

    Hi ilmich , thank you for your effort.

    I've tried the new build but it stops at the same point (to be precise, the serial logs stops suddendly a little earlier):

    In these day, following your suggestion, I've extracted the trustos.img form the android official fw and try to replace, but I've got similar results:

    So I tried a step forward and replaced also the uboot.img taken from the original FW.

    In this way the boot process was longer and then stopped because of course the the other partitions that uboot was expecting were missing:

    Just for test I've tried to use the original trustos with only the uboot.img coming from andorid FW and the boot was similar:

    At this point I'm wondering if the culprit is uboot more than trustos. (unfortunately I'm not expert about uboot either).

    I've noticed that the start offset in Librelec is 0x60200000 while in legacy fw is 0x60000000. I don't know the reason of this difference but anyway, even if I edit the start address to use 0x60000000 nothing changes.

    As latest test, I remembered that multitool was booting on my box, so I checked how the images was built.

    I see the trustos verison was the same as your repository, while they used a precompiled u-boot-dtb.bin file to create uboot.img.

    Using that file I had some results.

    It was a little tricky because this uboot switches the uart to 115200 bps, so in the first run it seemed the terminal was stopping at the same point; than I noticed that the led of the serial interface was still blinking so I changed from 1500000 to 115200 to see the rest. This is the result (the garbage at the beginning is the usual message of the early boot still @1500000bps):

    At this point the system hangs and after a while it reboots.

    I hope this can provide some inspiration for further ideas on how to proceed.

    In the menawhile I've seen that in the Armbian forum somebody was able to boot Armbian on h20 box (…&comment=175478)

    I will ask some info and try to reproduce his/her steps to check after that the difference with Librelec.

    Thank you again for your effort.

    digicroxx keep in mind that my builds are unofficial and some things are little different (90% of code are under projects/rockchip/devices/rk322x). I suggest to unpack h20 firmware (google is your friend)

    ilmich , I know your build are unofficial and some things are different, but since I'm not expert of official librelec either, it's not a big deal for me... From my point of view yours is the official repo:).

    And google is my friend expecially when I'm able to ask questions with enough details to filter out misleading links, so do you maybe have a good starting point to suggest for me to learn how to unpack h20 fw?

    Thanks again for your work, your repo and your support.

    Ok, you are right: I should use grep for that.

    As far as I understand the job is made by mkimage and install scripts in .../projects/Rockchip/bootloader...

    and at least idbloader.img and uboot.img are done by packing somehow Rockchip's binaries. Am I on the right way?

    ilmich : you said that trust os (is it trust.img?) need to be changed for h20. How do you suggest to proceed?

    Thanks again.

    Ok. I was able to successfully build of the image from sources.

    I used a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 installation and followed the instruction in and of course used ilmich 's repo.
    Strangely the download issues I had the first day disappeared when I tried to rebuild the day after...

    The only remaining issue way the lack of "mogrify" the was required at a certain step that I installed with

    sudo apt install graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat

    Now, to solve the boot issue with my h2 box, I imagine I need to start tampering with u-boot.img and /or trust.img so I'm asking again your help to start with this:

    The last steps of the build process is:

    can you please point me to the script that executes these steps?


    Where do idbloader.img uboot.img trust.img come from? Are they downloaded binaries or are they compiled from sources in a previous step? when (which script does that) ?

    Thanks again for your help.

    Hi all,

    in the meanwhile, i'm trying to compile the image form source, to be able to play around by myself...

    At step 251 out of 278, i get issue with libinput (incorrect checksum or file not found):

    Checking the last link, I've noticed that requires an account to allow downloads, maybe this is the (or one of the) issue.

    Has anyone already encountered the same problem?

    Thanks a lot

    Hi all, and thanks to ilmich for his great job.
    I'm trying to run librelec on a Hongtop H20 TV box (RK3229). I've tried both v10 and v11 but both of them stops in the early stage of boot, before starting u-boot.

    I connected the serial adapter to the board and the output for V10 is:

    for v11 is almost identical (just three numbers different):

    while the output for official android firmware is:

    Can you suggest me how to proceed?

    And would you be so kind to also suggest me some links to learn more technical details about the boot process of these SoC? (I would like to become more knowledgeable in this field...)

    Thanks a lot