Posts by bad_genes

    I finally found some time to move my docker containers to a new device and update to LE12 and it works! PCSX emulation, even without bios installed, works perfectly fine!

    So anyone having the same trouble on 11, you just need to update. I also needed to remove all emulators and Retroarch support addon to update them, for some reason it just wouldn't update if I didn't. Once I did that it all worked fine.

    Thanks to everyone for their support, and ilmich for givig it a try and telling me there is a new LE version :)

    I appreciate you giving it a try. I was not even aware LE 12 was released. For sure I will give that a try asap. I have some docker containers running which I need to figure out how to manage or move to other devices but then I will try that out (also need to find the time).

    I will update the thread.

    Going into settings after launching PCSX, I don't see any settings related to NEON or dynarec. Nothing in Retroarch settings either. In beetle PSX I saw CPU dynarec was disabled, I set it to "execute" but now the game crashes immediately after the PS logo. I am looking at retroarch.cfg but I don't see any NEON or dynarec settings there either.

    If I'm missing something let me know and I'll give that a try. Sorry I'm very new at this.

    Seeing as how there aren't any conflicting views, I think as of now the PSX emulation on RPi 4, and possibly also on 5 -since it doesn't seem to be a performance issue- is not working.

    Hope this saves someone some time in the future :)

    Here are some new perf topses from both PCSX (crashes before I can begin playing) and beetle (runs but a lot of stuttering and very slow) on LE:

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    We are spending nearly half the time in KODI::RETRO::CDeltaPairMemoryStream::SubmitFrameInternal.

    That seems to be used by the "rewind" feature. Disable it:

    Thank you popcornmix. Disabling rewind did change the symptoms, (in my defense this is just one of tens of different settings I had tried and it just so happens that it was left on when I posted this thread.) but both emulators remain unplayable. It is good to know this should just be kept off.

    For Beetle PSX, the stuttering continues and the game just runs very slowly. It runs and does not crash, but unplayable. I have reverted to default settings which have not helped and also tried a bunch of stuff to no avail.

    For PSCX the emulator is running very fast and crashing, I think that is the same as the pull request:

    There seem to be a matching PR:

    Here are the perf tops.

    After seeing this I also changed the IAGL configuration to disable pausing Kodi when a game is launched (even though I am NOT launching IAGL games, these are local ROMs). At first I thought maybe it was a tiiiiiny bit better but then the game crashed again.

    For libreelec I could only get the perf tops when emu is starting (Sony entertainment presents etc) and then in the in-game menu. It crashed when it starts loading the actual game. Lakka is while playing i.e. racing. More or less all games act the same way.

    Libreelec Emu:

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    That's right. I have been using Libreelec for 2 years and try PSX emulation every now and then on the same hardware. The closest I got to it was switching from bettle to PCSX but it is still unplayable.

    Same RPi runs these games fine using Lakka or RetroPie.

    Has anyone gotten good results from running PSX games on stock Libreelec on an Rpi4 4gb?

    I am able to run the games with PCSX and have installed the correct bioses, but the games are all stuttering, especially the sound. Sometimes the games even crash/freeze and I have to restart the emulator.

    Beetle PSX performance is downright terrible.

    I know the roms are okay as I have dual boot set up and can play everything on Lakka fine. I also know Libreelec and RetroArch support are working fine, as NES, SNES, GBA etc games all work fine. But PSX games, regardless of whatever emulation settings I try are all unplayable (I am very new at this but tried almost everything).

    I have scoured the internet to see if there is any solution without using some alternative Libreelec build or some other RPi image but there doesn't seem to be any example of a person getting PSX emulation to work on stock Libreelec. I am hoping for someone to either tell me the method that works for them or confirm that this is indeed impossible so I can go on with my life.

    Okay I finally fixed it.

    In case someone faces the same issue in the future; the "Original Size" stretch mode is either broken or works in a weird way which causes the issue above. So in order to fix this:

    1. Launch a game
    2. Go into stretch mode settings by:
      1. Pressing select + X (menu)
      2. Going up and A (settings)
      3. Go down and A (stretch mode)
      4. Go left (either once, twice or three times, doesn't matter they all work)
    3. Close settings
    4. Close emulator
    5. Restart Kodi

    Game should launch properly

    My IAGL (and all other game launchers) were working fine until I changed some display setting in an addon (I think) and now all game addons stopped working properly. As soon as a game launches, the display shows only the top left corner of the video, and even if I manage to close the emulator, when I go back to Kodi it stays stuck like that.

    When I restart, Kodi starts normal but if I launch any game from IAGL or any other game addon, the same issue happens.

    Sound is fine, and I can hear the game is running as it should, but I only see the top left corner which is often just a black screen with some small image in the right side.

    I tried all the TV and Libreelec/Kodi settings but none of them work. Since this is happening on all games, I don't think it is related to IAGL or any specific emulator settings.

    Can anyone help? The only game my girlfriend has ever played and liked in her adult life is Super Mario Bros 3 and I'm pretty sad that she cannot play it anymore.