Launching Games Breaks Resolution

  • My IAGL (and all other game launchers) were working fine until I changed some display setting in an addon (I think) and now all game addons stopped working properly. As soon as a game launches, the display shows only the top left corner of the video, and even if I manage to close the emulator, when I go back to Kodi it stays stuck like that.

    When I restart, Kodi starts normal but if I launch any game from IAGL or any other game addon, the same issue happens.

    Sound is fine, and I can hear the game is running as it should, but I only see the top left corner which is often just a black screen with some small image in the right side.

    I tried all the TV and Libreelec/Kodi settings but none of them work. Since this is happening on all games, I don't think it is related to IAGL or any specific emulator settings.

    Can anyone help? The only game my girlfriend has ever played and liked in her adult life is Super Mario Bros 3 and I'm pretty sad that she cannot play it anymore.

  • Okay I finally fixed it.

    In case someone faces the same issue in the future; the "Original Size" stretch mode is either broken or works in a weird way which causes the issue above. So in order to fix this:

    1. Launch a game
    2. Go into stretch mode settings by:
      1. Pressing select + X (menu)
      2. Going up and A (settings)
      3. Go down and A (stretch mode)
      4. Go left (either once, twice or three times, doesn't matter they all work)
    3. Close settings
    4. Close emulator
    5. Restart Kodi

    Game should launch properly