Posts by mravatarish

    After running the generic-legacy LE12 it worked perfectly! Kodi even recognized both displays, and successfully recognized the correct resolution. Ended up installing and recovering my back up and all is good. Thank you so much for all the help!!


    I ran getedid delete and it said "you did not use this script to create the custom EDID Therefore we can't be sure the script is working properly. Exiting", and after rebooting nothing changed. (Maybe the real issue is I messed up creating

    the custom edid?[I just tried to run through the instructions on the wiki real quick but no change])

    For gits and shiggles I removed the "intrid=/edid.../edid.bin" part from the APPEND line in syslinux.cfg, leaving "video=DP-1:D Video=eDP-1=d" and after rebooting it blanked my external display and showed on its internal display. After adding the part back to the APPEND line it switched back to the external display.

    Anyway, I turned off WIFI and enabled debug logging :):

    A few thoughts:

    a) As long you are testing remove the getedid config from your append line. You will never see a change in resolutions with this static config. But keep disabling eDP-1.

    b) IWD is spamming the journal. In worst case disable WIFI before reboot to create a meaningful boot log.

    c) Activate debug logging in Kodi (before reboot too).

    a) I'm not too familiar here, it sounds like you're asking to have this section removed correct?

    initrd=/edid.cpio drm.edid_firmware=edid/edid.bin

    b/c) I will turn wifi off and enable debug logging when I get back, and upload the logs after! Thank you!

    I'd guess the USB-C dock advertises 'monitor' capabilities not AVR/TV capabilities. If you connect direct to the receiver over HDMI do you get the normal resolutions?

    There’s a built in display that’s like ~1200p, but unfortunately there’s no hdmi out. I’m using the hub for power, Ethernet, and hdmi as the device only has usbc.

     APPEND boot=UUID=2C69-D520 disk=UUID=6f40d61e-1655-4716-85d8-2e5ab914d778  quiet initrd=/edid.cpio drm.edid_firmware=edid/edid.bin video=DP-1:D Video=eDP-1=d

    Kernel parameters are case sensitive use video=eDP-1=d and check eDP-1 dis-connectivity afterwards, must not:

    ========== kmsprint ==========
    Connector 0 (95) eDP-1 (connected)

    My main issue is the resolution on the external display. I was able to blank the primary internal display. I made this update to see if that changed anything but the issue persists.

    Thinking about it, I’m not sure if this dock specifically calls out Linux as a compatible OS so this may be a driver/hardware compatibility issue too.

    Hello! I'm running LibreELEC on an old laptop with a Pentium processor, connected to my receiver through a USB-C hub over HDMI. After following the instructions on the wiki/forum for creating/updating the edid info and sysconfig files I was able to get it to display only on the external display.

    The issue I am facing is that it seems the OS is only recognizing up to 1280x800p. This is the same on another USB-C dock as well (included edid update), and I have also completely reinstalled and re-set up LibreELEC from scratch.

    With Windows installed on the device I was able to get a 4K resolution on my TV with the same set up, so I'd love to try to get this working here too! Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!



    I noticed the other day that my installation of LibreELEC is showing a max resolution of 1280x800, and verified this is the output resolution on my TV. I have a 4K TV and 4K capable receiver so I would love to try to get this working. I went through the steps to create a custom EDID and specified 3840x2160 in the config file and it is still showing the max 1280x800 resolution.

    I am running LibreELEC on a Surface Go 2, then to a USB-C dock (for HDMI and Ethernet), connected to a Denon receiver, then to an LG G3. All of these devices support 4K and was previously able to output 4K with W10 so I don't think this is a hardware limitation. Any help would would be appreciated!

    Logs and config near the end here:

    Hey y'all!

    I'm trying to set up my Surface Go 2 as my HTPC and LE will not output to my TV. I am new to Linux in general so I may be missing something obvious here!

    From what I can see on this it look like the "getedid create" command should handle this automatically when running it via ssh, but it is returning "

    More than a single device connected. Probably enable "Disable all other monitors" at Kodi settings. Aborting! " . The closest I can find in Kodi is "blank other displays" and this is enabled already. The Surface has a pentium-4425y CPU with integrated graphics, and it is connected to the TV with a USB-C hub. Thanks in advance for the help!