Posts by HarryH

    No, the kernel in the master branch (LE12) seems to be the most recent one and not in a hold state.

    6.1.74 (LE11) vs. 6.6.21 (LE12 current)

    Commits · LibreELEC/
    Just enough OS for KODI. Contribute to LibreELEC/ development by creating an account on GitHub.

    But, after reading your initial post the 2nd or maybe the 13th time ;) ... Do you have used LE12 the last months without any trouble? Only after you updated the bootloader, you have this issues? Why you don't change the bootloader to the old version (if you know the date) or go forward to the recent version 2024-02-16?

    It should be possible in both directions (older / newer), as long as you use a version which supports your RPi5. In the worst case you must use the recovery.bin, but what is without a risk?

    I think this should be the way. You should only ensure, that you use a binary for the RPi5:

    rpi-eeprom/firmware-2712/default at b745226b41ac202976ee8307fcb179a1193fab3c · raspberrypi/rpi-eeprom
    Installation scripts and binaries for the Raspberry Pi 4 and Raspberry Pi 5 bootloader EEPROMs - raspberrypi/rpi-eeprom
    January 11, 2022 at 3:04 PM

    It could depends on my bad English, but what should I expect under a „Multi USB powered hub“ ? It‘s a powered hub? Or a USB hub which gets the power from 1 or multiple USB ports of the RPi5 only? No external power supply?

    If the answer for the last question is „yes“, it sounds critical to me, because the RPi5 alone needs a stronger power supply 27W than the RPi4 (18W). And you will drive 4 additional USB drives. This could be far away of the official current specification for a USB port or the RPi5 board itself.

    If you are still below the current limit of the RPi5 USB ports and your power supply is powerful enough, do you know about this config.txt settings?


    and in EEPROM config:


    One of the other possibilities is, that something regarding the NTFS support was changed with the recent kernels.

    Version 0.0.11d released

    Original this version should only be a debug release, but I corrected many things under the hood so I don't hide.

    • “Handle power button events” is honored without reboot
    • remote control shutdown exception fixed
    • fan settings now adjustable in 1 degree steps
    • added debug messages
    • freeing of power button detection GPIO pin forced
    • code cleanup

    Known issues:

    • LibreELEC 12 -> gpiozero makes some trouble in combination with lgpio
      If the add-on was disabled and enabled again, the GPIO pin for power button monitoring can't be freed. To workaround a reboot is needed, to work again.
      It's a general issue, not specific for this version. It affects all versions until now. I'm currently investigating to find a solution for that.

    Version 0.0.11b released

    • explicit firmware detection during power off procedure to reduce this call to one
    • attempt to fix the permission issue for lgpio workaround
      The problem must have existed from version 0.0.7 to 0.0.10, but unfortunately no one here reported that the add-on does not work properly in combination with LE12. In such cases, I would be happy to receive feedback and, if necessary, a kodi.log.:

    You need to force gpiozero to initialize lgpio with the correct chip. For this you need LE12 nightly, because lgpio is only part of the RPi tools from LibreELEC 12. This combination is currently the only one that supports RPi5 out of the box.

    To initialize the RP1 at the RPi5:

    from gpiozero.pins.lgpio import LGPIOFactory
    from gpiozero import Device, PWMLED
    Device.pin_factory = LGPIOFactory(chip=4)

    Additionally you have to circumstand this lgpio bug:


    Can the addon be configured so it doesn't override /storage/.config/rc_maps.cfg on boot? I've changed it to support the remote I'm using but after a reboot its back to the argon40 remote.

    Before I look deeper into the code, does this "touch /storage/.config/argon40_rc.lock" don't work for you?

    Regarding the range. I have seen your post in Argon40 forum. I can only report from a buddy of me, who is owner of a Argon One V1 and has added the IR Receiver manually. He reported a bad response to the IR signal until he has made a slot/hole in the transluent red plastic cover. Before made such irreversible changes you should check without the bottom assembled.

    In a short test with my universal remote control, I got a distance of about 4m/13 feet when I pointed the remote control frontal to the argon case. The further you go away, it seems more important to keep the remote control at the same heights as the case/IR sensor.

    Version 0.0.9a released

    • includes the fix for power button recognition with RPi5 + LE12
      (double tab) -> Reboot
      (hold > 3 seconds) -> graceful shutdown
      (hold > 5 seconds) -> enforced shutdown with power cut Pi

    :!:A fix for the power button recognition with RPi5 + LE11 is currently not possible, because lgpio is only available with RPi-Tools Add-on for LE12. The LE11 RPi-Tools Add-on provides the backend RPi.GPIO which doesn't support the RPi5.

    The hopefully fixed version 0.0.8 is available. Please report if it's working now without fan fluctuation with the Argon One V3 case.

    Can someone with a Argon One V3 case check if a "Double Tap" at the power button triggers Reboot like with Argon One V2 case?
    If not, I need some information if it works after changing these lines in /flash/config.txt from:




    Followed by a reboot.

    PANiCnz ,

    your are the second which reports this behavior with Argon One V3 in combination with 0.0.7. So there seems really to be an issue within the current code.
    Currently I can't reproduce with my V2 case... it could takes longer to find the root cause.

    As long the CPU temperatur is below the first threshold, the fan should be off. Pulsing is possible if the current temperature is around the threshold. 42c is far away from the 55c default value. I fear I have possibly insert this bug as I switched over to the Argon Register Helper methods, which has a mechanism included to differentiate the firmware versions.

    From the testing with Argon V3 case exists a version 0.0.6d, but this version should only be used with LE12 + Argon One V3 cases, because the commands were changed for the new firmware. I don't know if there are also V2 cases with this type of firmware in the wild.

    Edit: This bug was fixed beginning with v.0.0.8. Please update to a current version of the add-on.


    If blueribb's hint doesn't work and the files aren't encrypted (unlike petediscrete feared), you might want to try TS-Doctor. This tool is not free, but you have a trial period. The files are only remuxed and not converted. The time required is not that great and the quality of the video and audio stream remains unaffected.