Posts by HarryH

    It's good that you hold some spare parts in the back hand. In the last months I have seen some log snippets with much more noise regarding this message:

    May 31 11:08:04.570436 RPi5a kernel: nvme nvme0: controller is down; will reset: CSTS=0xffffffff, PCI_STATUS=0x10
    May 31 11:08:04.570750 RPi5a kernel: nvme nvme0: Does your device have a faulty power saving mode enabled?
    May 31 11:08:04.570864 RPi5a kernel: nvme nvme0: Try "nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=0 pcie_aspm=off" and report a bug
    May 31 11:08:04.657093 RPi5a kernel: nvme 0000:01:00.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0002)
    May 31 11:08:04.657277 RPi5a kernel: nvme nvme0: Shutdown timeout set to 8 seconds
    May 31 11:08:04.660439 RPi5a kernel: nvme nvme0: 4/0/0 default/read/poll queues
    May 31 11:08:04.670425 RPi5a kernel: nvme nvme0: Ignoring bogus Namespace Identifiers

    Yes, at normal desktop computer I wouldn't expect such messages regulary. But also NVMe firmware isn't free of issues. At the RPi5 I know about cases, that it could fixed, if they followed the recommendation and add this to the kernel line in the cmdline.txt.
    Maybe you doesn't need another cable in your current configuration. But you should give it a shot, and check if it disappears after exchange the cabeling.

    Would there be any value in replacing the Rpi5 with the RockPro64, turn on logging, and run it until it reboots? And would those results shed any light on what is going on with the Pi? (as a reminder, the rock sbc randomly reboots in the same way, which is why I bought the pi).

    I think you could make that as a cross check and confirm if it really made a reboot or "only" crash of KODI. The latter one could be ends with some needed changes in KODI it self to fix that.
    First you could try to start with a fresh installation of LE (for example on a new SD card) without additional add-ons (back to the roots) and try to reproduce the issue. In some thread I have read last days, it rumours that a weather add-on triggered some issues in the background.

    PS: You are right, it's always after midnight. :D

    As far as I know:

    • The volume control depends on the libCEC Adapter settings at "Settings->Input->Peripherals->CEC adapter".
      The corresponding settings file is there: /storage/.kodi/userdata/peripheral_data/cec_CEC_Adapter.xml
    • The internal volume control is disabled, if you set the audio to passthrough. But passthrough could be disabled from backside if "Sync playback to display" is active. Don't know if such settings influences the CEC volume control too.
    • The most use case for CEC is to steering with the TV remote control the downstream devices. Also the volume control of AVR / soundbar works like that. The way to control the TV volume seems not supported in all cases. But you could check to ensure that your TV supports that:
      echo 'volup' | cec-client -s -d 1
      echo 'voldown' | cec-client -s -d 1

    I am about to build another RPi5 system for a gift once the parts arrive. It will be in a Argon ONE v3 nvme case. I sure hope that is not going to have gremlins.

    Sorry for that, but this wording in combination with that case I immediately remember: "... Don't get them wet. Do not feed (install) them after midnight. ..." ;)

    WarpLover ,
    I don't know if you want to use the Argon ONE V3 for LibreELEC or some other use case. But if you want to start directly with LE you should ensure manually that the settings, which you grabbed from the PVR thread, are there. Normally this will already happens if you follow the instructions from the manual. However, the steps described in the manual to run the scripts are intended for PiOS etc. and only partially work with LE.

    To avoid sleepless nights I would start with a installation at SD card as first attempt, because the NVMe support is very sensitive regarding flexible pcb, NVMe model, bootloader version ...

    Most buyers with NVMe issues seem to think it's just an issue with this case, but in my opinion external PCIe on RPi5 in general is a ride on a razor's edge with so many factors that can negatively affect it. The other concerns (reputation) regarding quality assurance/support are just an additional factor.

    But: If you get a properly manufactured, I think the person that will get the gift will be very happy.

    Regarding your original issue:

    "Reboot" implies a reboot of the operating system, triggered by a normal shutdown, reset, power fail and so on. Your current situation looks like that only KODI was crashed and restarted after that. Indeed this looks like a reboot, because LibreELEC is very fast at startup. But it makes a huge difference for troubleshooting.
    You can simple check that after such event, if you connect to the console via SSH and use 'uptime' to see how long the operating system is up.

    I know that KODI with the current versions of LE12/13 crashes if the played video stream has some defective frames and additional software deinterlacing is on. If the hardware acceleration for deinterlacing is in use, there is a pixelation at this points, but KODI doesn't crash.
    Because you reported the issue with 2 systems, maybe you triggers the issue with the content you play or a installed add-on/skin.

    So the output looks that CEC is working at hardware and driver level. You can test some CEC commands to switch your connected TV On/Standby/Off like described here:

    To test if your TV passthrough the remote control keys to the RPi, simple start cec-client without any switches and look for key_press events. If that works, you only have some issues with your KODI installation/settings. That kind of issues can isolated with debug logging enabled and additional components logging is enabled for libCEC.

    If chewitt serious recommendation don‘t ends in a success, you can stop KODI and afterwards check CEC directly.

    • stop KODI
      systemctl stop kodi
    • scan CEC bus
      echo 'scan' | cec-client -s -d 1

    Because I have seen, that you also tested something regarding the 4K/60 issue in combination with your Denon AVR: Maybe you have a outdated copy of EDID data locally?

    I think the missing part is <group></group> as a wrapper for setting. Its mandatory also if you doesn‘t have more than 1 group.

    The linked thread is correct because the TV is the receiver of the IR signals and sends a button code (the duration info seems not parsed or reliable) to the RPi5 via CEC.

    Technically possible, but I don't expect this behavior on a TV:
    If the TV interprets the buttons based on how long they were held down, it may be sending a different CEC button code.

    The important part regarding the breaking change seems the Android/Google TV generation. Previous generations of SONY TVs are able to passthrough the tuning and menu keys to CEC, if you configure this in the Bravia Sync settings for external inputs.
    After switching to a newer TV of the same brand, I'm facing for the issue, that the menu keys and some other keys aren't passthrough anymore. Before it was possible to use the channel-up/down keys to navigate page wise through long listings. Now it's possible to open an additional menu for HDMI via info key and send a CEC command in behalf of the TV, but this key was also usable before directly.

    My workaround is currently to move one step to right in the movie list to focus the scroll bar and move then with the cursor keys to jump to the next page(s) faster.

    If this, that you meant with slow scrolling, perhaps you should map one of the color keys to the channel-up/down function. If not, you can only try to play a little bit with the CEC settings at System -> Input -> Peripherals.

    To check which keys are going passthrough via CEC with your TV, you can stop KODI and use the cec-client command.

    • Stop KODI
      systemctl stop kodi
    • Start the CEC-client
    • Press the keys on your remote control step by step and write down a list of all available keys. Here an example for cursor right:

      DEBUG:   [          189968]     SetCurrentButton right (4) D:0ms cur:17f
      DEBUG:   [          189968]     key pressed: right (4) current(ff) duration(0)
    • Stop the cec-client process with CTRL-C
    • Start KODI again
      systemctl start kodi

    With that information you can make then the changes like you want to the keymap file.

    I played a little bit with the settings (System -> Input -> Peripherals -> CEC Adapter) and could clarify 2 things:

    • Set „Remote button press repeat rate (ms)“ to 100ms fixes the „slow“ repeat rate compared to a IR remote control.
      Reducing "Remote button press delay before repeating (ms)" to 200 makes it even faster to switch in repeat mode (scrolling), but could be make some trouble if there is "longpress" support in the future.
    • It‘s important to switch the TV to the HDMI sub input/device -> "Kodi HDMI 1 Player" not only "HDMI 1" to get the tuning and number keys to work.

    Maybe the root cause of your 4.0 channel issue is the same like this issue:

    May 2, 2024 at 11:10 AM

    Version 1.1.0 released:

    • add-on icon changed to follow LE style (thanks chewitt for providing this)
    • issue #5: fan art modified to be more generic
    • issue #4: localization for Italian added
    • localization for German added


    Version 1.1.1 released:

    • some typos and translation errors fixed

    chewitt ,

    I'm appreciate your offer and hasn't forgot this Thread :)

    Until now I was focused to make the technical part right. I wasn't unhappy with the original add-on icon, but it makes sense to follow a unified style.
    Shortly after I enabled the issues option at the GitHub repo yesterday, it seems there is an interest to make some cosmetic changes...