Posts by dask2


    after last Update (11.01.) everythings worked primerly fine, but since a couple of days i got the same Error-Message.

    Running TVH-Server on a RPI3 with external USB-Harddisk.

    With ubuntu or Win i can mount the share on the "nas"/share by nautilus/explorer.

    If i try it with LE on a RPI4, or running Kodi on ubuntu or Win, i got the same error message: "Invalid Argument".

    On the TVH-Server i have user/PW for Samba activated and the LE on RPI4 and the KODIs know this combination for access.

    Things i tried:

    I changed settings for "min/max SMB-Client-Version" with no fortune.

    I disabled SMB-Access with user/PW: no change

    I disabled IPv6 for Networking,....

    Checked DNS-Server-Settings,

    If i try access the share, the LE/Kodi freeze.

    If i restart smbd at the RPI3 (wheres the smb-Server running), the "Client"-Kodis unfreeze and drops the Error-Message.

    Any ideas?

    Which Logs should i activate for better debugging?
