Posts by griftopia

    chewitt, sorry couple of questions

    First, I get what you saying about installing Ubuntu first and making sure it boots.

    Next, when you say boot from LiveUSB and partition drive for LE - I only see option 1) Install LibreElect. It does not provide any way to specifically erase and partition like you mentioned.

    The rest of it about copying KERNEL, SYSTEM and installing Grub I can try understand later, but this very minute, besides the above question also need to ask if at the end of the day would I need to keep machine dual booting in Ubuntu and LibreElec or simply LibreElec (assuming it ends up working)?

    So after installing latest stable build on my Mac Mini 2012, I was feeling so cocky, I installed on my iMac 2008 (because I simply cannot throw it away!!!)

    I was feeling so happy, when it installed. However, it will not boot. Gives me folder with flashing question mark. ;(

    Has anyone had any luck with an old iMac and can suggest anything else to try?

    chewitt - TYVM! I will study what you said and try find out what my suspend / resume issue could be.

    I will also try with different TVs. I had a similar issue happen with a computer running windows with my TV. This under the assumptions the two problems are related. Do you think that's a possibility or am I barking up the wrong tree?

    So I installed the latest stable version of LibreElec on my Mac Mini 2012. It was so easy. BEAUTIFUL! Put new life in my Mac Mini 2012. I love it. However, two annoyances.

    1) If I switch input source of my TV to something else, then come back to the Mac Mini, I hear crackling and flashing on TV. Basically I have to already have switched my TV input source to the HDMI port where my Mac Mini is connected *before* I turn it ON, else I will not get picture. Seems like LibreElec not able to detect it. I can live with this, but wanted to ask in case I am doing something stupid.

    2) A bigger problem. I can suspend with my USB remote using the "Power" Menu item. Then I can press any button on my remote and it tries to resume (of course as I said in 1 above I need to first be on the HDMI input source). I see LibreElect deliver picture to TV. *However* it gives message saying "Please wait" or something like this and hangs. Then I have to power cycle. Very annoying because I have to go to the Mac Mini and power cycle it.

    Thanks in advance for any pointers.