Okay, your log instructions above seem to have changed.
Under Settings > System > Input > Peripherals > CEC Adpater, I'm seeing settings mostly for controlling other devices, not for incoming CEC commands, as best I can tell. Exceptions might be:
When the TV is switched of --> Suspend
Action when switching to another source --> Pause Playback
The second one seems good, but the first one I changed to Ignore. I tried it then several times (with power cycle in between) and using the Power System Off menu still put it into that state of being on but not putting out video.
I found a file that seems relevant:
LibreELEC:~ # cat .kodi/userdata/peripheral_data/cec_CEC_Adapter.xml
<setting id="activate_source" value="1" />
<setting id="button_release_delay_ms" value="0" />
<setting id="button_repeat_rate_ms" value="0" />
<setting id="cec_hdmi_port" value="1" />
<setting id="cec_standby_screensaver" value="0" />
<setting id="cec_wake_screensaver" value="1" />
<setting id="connected_device" value="36037" />
<setting id="device_name" value="Kodi" />
<setting id="device_type" value="1" />
<setting id="double_tap_timeout_ms" value="300" />
<setting id="enabled" value="1" />
<setting id="pause_or_stop_playback_on_deactivate" value="36045" />
<setting id="pause_playback_on_deactivate" value="0" />
<setting id="physical_address" value="1000" />
<setting id="power_avr_on_as" value="0" />
<setting id="send_inactive_source" value="1" />
<setting id="standby_devices" value="36037" />
<setting id="standby_devices_advanced" value="" />
<setting id="standby_pc_on_tv_standby" value="13011" />
<setting id="standby_tv_on_pc_standby" value="1" />
<setting id="tv_vendor" value="0" />
<setting id="use_tv_menu_language" value="0" />
<setting id="wake_devices" value="36037" />
<setting id="wake_devices_advanced" value="" />
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When I changed that TV switched off setting, the line
<setting id="standby_pc_on_tv_standby" value="13011" />
changed to a value of 36028. But as noted, that didn't help. The CEC Adapter settings are not documented on the Kodi wiki.