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I think my problem is caused by oscam addon and not tvh.
Already tried a powered usb hub to be sure there is no power issue with the card reader, but that didn't help.
oscam config should be ok, used it for years on rpi. Have to test further.
Maybe usb kernel issue? updated kernel 4.4.167 could help? GitHub - Kwiboo/ at rockchip-part11
I made some new images for mvr9, posted on freaktab forum.
There are some default settings already set and bluetooth is enabled by default.
I see in the tvh addon v4.4 they had a fix for videos buffering, freezing and increased the cache, maybe that can help. I will try to build tvh v4.4 if it can't be installed manually, how do you install the other versions?
thanks, will try your build
I took tvh 4.2 from le repo and tvh 4.3 builds from here Tvheadend nightly builds for LibreELEC, but as mentioned there was no difference in behavior.
I'm still experiencing hard reboots after some time watching livetv with tvh on my mvr9 box. It doesn't matter if sd or hd channel. I also tried 4.2 and 4.3 development builds of tvheadend with no success.
I would be thankful for any hint to solve this issue.
all fine again with build 1731.
I have no OTA EPG Grabber Module and no EPG in latest build 1730.
What firmware do you currently have in eMMC ? Which dtb is specified in the file " extlinux.conf"? Can you connect to MVR9 via SSH ?
This mode is still only in my images. If the LE developer community decides to adopt this add-on, then it will be in all LE images.
If you have a regular Android firmware, there is no partition table and you need to use a direct reference to "/dev/system" "/dev/data" for mounting, etc.
on eMMC android 7.1 is installed.
This is content of extlinux.conf, ssh login is possible with your builds.
Display MoreI looked at my image of Khadas EDGE rk3399. It turns out it already has a dtb for rock960. To run on Rock960 just edit the file " extlinux.conf" (change the name of the dtb used). Also in the composition there are a few more DTB. For those who want to try running this version on RK3399-you can take turns trying all these files.
Did I understand correctly that you were able to run the LE image for EDGE on your T4 model ?
You want to install LE in the eMMC ? To do this, the GUI Libreelec Settings has a special menu for installation in eMMC, to create and restore a full backup.
This image is for all rk3328. What model are you trying to run it on ?
After you run to create a copy, you need to wait for the system to shut down. After that, you run the LE again from the SD card and select "install to emmc" . The system will install and shut down. Pull out the SD card and turn on the power. If everything went correctly, start LE from eMMC.
After click on backup I waited for at least 5 minutes but there was no shot down. Will try today again. Thanks!
I'm using pvr.hts and development build for tvh 4.3. As already menioned I can't find anything in the kodi log and tvh service log gets overwritten after reboot. The mentioned dvb channels are hardware accelerated.
Do you have an idea how to edit dtb file to get the power button working in le?
So far I had no success with install on emmc.
reboots happen during watching dvb HD channels (720p) in livetv. I now tried deactivating bluetooth in extlinux, maybe this helps. Will report back.
Test builds with New kernel would be interesting.
I'm experiencing sudden reboots with the latest builds on my mvr9 box. There is no crash log and nothing suspicious in the logs.
Anyone else experiencing similar issues?
I tried again today but it doesn't work for me.
I pressed on emmc backup in le settings, waited an hour but no file in /storage/backup.