Posts by petediscrete

    I already told you the config dump text file was empty. I checked it myself. If you prefer work away with the two successes you’ve had.

    I think you’re original instinct about only having this working with DVBT may be correct as you don’t have access to DVBS broadcasts via satellite and from what I can gather so far my testing has been of little value to you.

    But I did comment previously that I finished the TVH configuration in the TVH web GUI which presents the user with the first time TVH Configuration Wizard. That was achieved via SSH into the TVH web GUI. Nothing to do with LE or your quick start script. All your quick start script did for me was install the two TVH addons in LE.

    This is why I’m suggesting that you document EXACTLY what the user should expect by using your setup script addon.

    I think it’s best if you documented exactly what your TVH quick start script does in LE.

    At the risk of repeating myself all your quick start script has done for me is install both the TVH 4.3 server addon and TVH Client PVR addon. It then returns to the Program addon. screen without any further configuration options or action required. I needed to complete the TVH configuration by SSH remotely into the box.

    As I said you need to outline exactly what your LE addon script will achieve in LE without stepping outside of the LE environment but that’s entirely up to you.

    No. I accessed the TVH web GUI which as I mentioned presents you with the TVH web GUI Wizard on first run and from where I continued the TVH configuration.

    Maybe you could do a screen by screen grab of what to expect from your script in LE. I’m still unsure at my end what is to be expected from your script. Yes it installs TVH server and the TVH client but that’s about it as far as I’m concerned.

    I tried running your new script on the test setup but all it reported was "No adapters available". I removed all traces of TVH from the system, ran the script again. It installed TVH 4.3 server and TVH PVR client and thats it. I had to go to the TVH web UI to complete the setup which of course presents you with the TVH Configuration Wizard (yes it's actually a wizard). Is that all that your script is supposed to do. The dumpfile.txt is empty.

    Is your RPI4 a bare board with no case. If not remove the case, connect the bare essentials to get it booting and try again.

    Assuming you’ve tried all the previous suggestions without success, try a different power supply. You may have to borrow one to try this. Your power supply may have gone bad.

    I’m assuming you are only connecting/disconnecting the HDMI cable to the RPI4 when the power has been fully removed.

    I have not fully decided yet.

    I plan on adding a hidden 'dump config' feature/button/hotkey (undecided) to the addon that will create a file with a copy of your TVH configuration that you can just post. It will probably contain a dump of the whole adapter device tree with all objects and properties as well as the network object(s). Maybe I will include the muxes because with crazyturk, it seems that the leaf adapter and the mux list need to match.

    I have some family commitments for the next 4 days or so. Consequently, I probably won't be spending much time on this until next week some time.

    That makes two of us so. I’ll keep an eye out on the forum over the next week or so for any further updates from you.

    Great glad that you got SAT>IP working I didn't realize that TVHeadend would virtualize it as DVB-S like that. It resolves the concern I installing and maintaining a tuner device on LE so is a real plus for having an addon.

    petediscrete, how does TVHeadend or the addon deal with needing 3 scan files on 28.2E/F and G?

    Glad you asked that question. Effectively you have 3 satellites co-located at 28.2e.
    From what I can see they are broken down into separate satellites and listings for clarity sake.

    I abandoned those predefined mux tables a long while back. All I do now is supply one known active mux in the mux section of TVH, run a scan and it picks up the complete list of active muxes receivable in my region. No duplicate muxes and no dead or non receivable muxes are added to my network.

    You can of course add a Diseq setting per tuner, 2 in my case as the Sat/IP tuner is a twin tuner model in TVH which gives you an additional 8 satellite positions.

    For DVBS I would highly recommend the Digibit Twin DVBS Sat/IP tuner. It practically configures itself as far as TVH and NPVR are concerned and no driver issues to consider with each kernel update.

    I’ll be busy over the next week or two so it may take time to get back testing.

    Bear in mind that my Sat/IP tuner is announced to my network and thus TVH as a service.

    I dumped all those DVB cards and DVB USB dongles a long time ago. More trouble than they’re worth with driver issues on kernel changes. Most of them are not even supported in LE these days.

    For DVBS purposes I’d stick with Sat/IP tuners and for DVBT I’d stick with something like the RPI DVBT Hat.

    petediscrete - Thank you very much for your efforts.:thumbup:

    After the report from crazyturk, I was expecting much worse and I am pleasantly surprised.

    Is your satellite dish fixed or motorised?

    They do say one swallow never makes a summer. My feedback proved that 😂 I never doubted that DVBS would work with your Wizard. You can now take that as read for future development.

    Yes my dish is motorised. 45 east to 45 west.

    From a vanilla LE install and installing your Wizard add on, what should the average user expect from the Wizard.

    At what stage should they need to visit the TVH web GUI. Do you see where I’m coming from. Logically comparing your Wizard add on process to the process of installing the TVH 4.3 server, TVH PVR client and then accessing the TVH web GUI where the TVH Wizard is ready to run on first access.

    Ok.Got a spare moment to try your Wizard.Details as follows

    Hardware: Rock64 board (RK3328). 16gb SD Card. Tuner Digibit DVBS Twin Sat/IP Tuner

    Software: LibreELEC (community nightly) 12.0 Nightly (Kodi 21.0 RC1 Omega)

    From a blank SD card to recording live TV on TVH total time taken 30 minutes. I've no idea what other feedback to give you other than the results speak for themselves. Installed your Wizard script set it to run and job is done.

    Have you any other questions you feel you need to ask me.