Posts by afl1

    Finally I have got the subtitle rendering issue evidence. Responsible for this issue is libhybris. Swapping buffers in rendering takes ages >36ms.

    At 24fps to show one frame takes 41.7ms, but with rendering subtitles took 43ms.

    Swapping buffers in S905 takes only 1ms.


    14:07:00.947 T:4100100112 DEBUG: CApplication::Render - Flip()

    14:07:00.947 T:4100100112 DEBUG: CGLContextEGL::SwapBuffers - begin

    14:07:00.948 T:4100100112 DEBUG: CGLContextEGL::SwapBuffers - end

    14:07:00.948 T:4100100112 DEBUG: CApplication::Render - return

    You are right, maybe someone else has a clue about this, too. The video seems to freeze or stutter really strong. There is no audio. The timecode is screwed up and shows -596 hours or so as current position.

    Here is the important part of the log (had to shorten it due to post limitation):

    For reporting issue you have to always provide sample and complete kodi debugging log. In your case you have to allow also audio debugging.

    [READ FIRST] Reporting bugs

    I’m also using a Minix U9 and am wondering how to do the update to newer versions correctly.

    I’m used to putting the tar file in .update and reboot, but after it does the upgrade, it cannot boot LE anymore.

    So I Write the img.gz to a USB drive (and the 2g dtb as dtb.img) and install over my current installation.

    How can directly upgrade without USB? Do i need to put the device tree somewhere as well?

    BTW. Have you ever read #1. There is instruction how to fix booting issue. But finally, this is alpha version, only for testing.

    New version in #1 with improved timing for hw decoding.

    Subtitle issue still persist for dvd/bd subtitles. For text subtitles (.srt, .sub, ...) I didn't find any issue. Pls report your experiences only with kodi debug log.

    My monitor is able only 4k 30fps. Pls, report playback stability for output 4K on monitors or TVs capable 4k fps>30.

    In my latest test build LE 9.0 aren't any frames skips for subtitles:


    I tested it with video form #1.

    BTW in log from from #1 aren't any frame skips. Frame skip is reported in log as:

    10:47:11.431 T:4096036880   DEBUG: CRenderManager::PrepareNextRender  idx:0 Skip:1 iter.pts:0.250 m_lf:9 lf:1071286228 latency:0.100 dvdClock:0.298

    Pls report any issue with kodi debug log.


    I installed it in an EVO 32GB microSD for a Vorke Z6 (3GB DDR4, GigaEth) and, sometimes, drop/skip of frames are noticeable. In action scenes it could be easily seen.

    However, the LibreELEC version in another Kingston 2GB microSD works flawlessly with the exactly same movie, in HEVC/AAC.

    Is it due to the LibreELEC itself, just Kodi Leia? Do you need any log?

    Thanks for your great work!

    Kodi debug log will be welcome.