Posts by beelinker

    After running iw wlan0 scan over ssh, they appeared again and stayed there. I have no idea whose fault that is.

    Actually I have no wlan0 device at all, running iw wlan0 scan doesn't work therefor.

    Output of ifconfig

    Hello jernej and thank's for the reply!

    It was necessary for me to make some bigger changes so I can use the screen and have Ethernet at the same time. Now I'm finally connected over ssh.

    almost always means that EDID couldn't be read

    Most likely that's it. The Display only features DVI out in so I use an adapter to get a hdmi cable connected. How could I manually force the correct resolution?

    In any case, provide outputs of following commands:



    cat /sys/kernel/debug/clk/clk_summary
      edid-decode /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid
    EDID extract of '/sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/edid' failed: unknown format.

    Hello Folks!

    I'm new to the show! Just downloaded `LibreELEC-H3.arm-10.0.1-beelink-x2.img.gz and burned it to sd card using usbimager.

    All went fine, the thing booted, resized partition and started to kodi. My plan was to directly write libreelec to flash but I couldn't connect via ssh because libreelec doesn't detect my wifi - at least it's not configurable, only wired connection is offered. Also the (somewhat exotic) resolution from the screen I am using (1400x900) is not supported and I'm stuck on 1024x768 :sick:

    So with the help of the community I would love to fix this things :thumbup:

    Any advise heavily welcome!