2022-01-22 20:05:34.847 T:2963 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery
Object info
Object : <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>
Object type : <class 'bluetooth.bluetooth'>
Object attributes:
BLUETOOTH_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd'
D_OBEXD_ROOT = '/storage/downloads/'
OBEX_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/obexd'
bluez_agent = <bluetooth.Bluez_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce28b30>
bluez_listener = <bluetooth.Bluez_Listener object at 0x7fb87ce32af0>
clear_list = <bound method bluetooth.clear_list of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
close_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.close_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
dbusBluezAdapter = None
dbus_error_handler = <bound method bluetooth.dbus_error_handler of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
disable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.disable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
disconnect_device = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
disconnect_device_by_path = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device_by_path of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
discover_devices = <bound method bluetooth.discover_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
discovering = True
discovery_thread = <discoveryThread(Thread-11, started daemon 140429496403520)>
do_init = <bound method bluetooth.do_init of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
enable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.enable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
exit = <bound method bluetooth.exit of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
find_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.find_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
found_devices = frozenset()
get_devices = <bound method bluetooth.get_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
init_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.init_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
init_device = <bound method bluetooth.init_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
listItems = {}
menu = { '6': { 'InfoText': 704,
'listTyp': 'btlist',
'menuLoader': 'menu_connections',
'name': 32331}}
menu_connections = <bound method bluetooth.menu_connections of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
obex_agent = <bluetooth.Obex_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce42590>
obex_listener = <bluetooth.Obex_Listener object at 0x7fb87cdc0dd0>
oe = <module 'oe' from '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/oe.pyc'>
open_context_menu = <bound method bluetooth.open_context_menu of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
open_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.open_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
pair_device = <bound method bluetooth.pair_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
properties = { 0: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Paired'},
1: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Adapter'},
2: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Connected'},
3: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Address'},
5: {'type': 1, 'value': 'Class'},
6: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Trusted'},
7: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Icon'}}
remove_device = <bound method bluetooth.remove_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
standby_devices = <bound method bluetooth.standby_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
start_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.start_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
start_service = <bound method bluetooth.start_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
stop_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.stop_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
stop_service = <bound method bluetooth.stop_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
trust_connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
trust_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
visible = True
************************************** End of object info ******************************************
2022-01-22 20:06:46.443 T:3019 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery # AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'")
2022-01-22 20:06:46.449 T:3019 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery
*********************************** Unhandled exception detected ***********************************
Diagnostic info
Exception type : AttributeError
Exception value : 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'
System info : uname_result(system='Linux', node='LibreELEC', release='5.16.0', version='#1 SMP Sun Jan 16 07:21:35 CET 2022', machine='x86_64', processor='')
Python version : 3.8.12 (default, Jan 16 2022, 07:24:37) [GCC 10.3.0]
Kodi version : 20.0-ALPHA1 (19.90.101) Git:e976cd0e3ad9ed0e4ff80e2f97e2fce1922717be
sys.argv : ['']
Stack Trace
Code context:
Local variables:
self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>
Code context:
Local variables:
self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>
Code context:
Local variables:
arg = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>
args = (<discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>,)
function = <function discoveryThread.run at 0x7fb87cd0f090>
header = 'SETTINGS: discoveryThread.run '
kwargs = {}
level = 0
Code context:
Local variables:
current_time = 1642853206.407832
self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>
Code context:
Local variables:
arg = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>
args = (<discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>,)
function = <function discoveryThread.stop at 0x7fb87cd0eb90>
header = 'SETTINGS: discoveryThread.stop '
kwargs = {}
level = 0
Code context:
Local variables:
self = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>
Code context:
Local variables:
arg = <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>
args = (<bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>,)
e = AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'")
function = <function bluetooth.stop_discovery at 0x7fb87c7654b0>
header = 'SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery '
kwargs = {}
level = 0
outer_stack = [ FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c40018d0, file '/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', line 890, code _bootstrap>, filename='/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', lineno=890, function='_bootstrap', code_context=None, index=None),
FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c4005040, file '/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', line 932, code _bootstrap_inner>, filename='/usr/lib/python3.8/threading.py', lineno=932, function='_bootstrap_inner', code_context=None, index=None),
FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb854085f80, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', line 69, code _log_function_2>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', lineno=69, function='_log_function_2', code_context=None, index=None),
FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb854032ef0, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', line 694, code run>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', lineno=694, function='run', code_context=None, index=None),
FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c0158430, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', line 69, code _log_function_2>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/log.py', lineno=69, function='_log_function_2', code_context=None, index=None),
FrameInfo(frame=<frame at 0x7fb8c0114fa0, file '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', line 682, code stop>, filename='/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/modules/bluetooth.py', lineno=682, function='stop', code_context=None, index=None)]
Code context:
Local variables:
self = <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>
Code context:
Local variables:
path = None
Code context:
Local variables:
args = ()
bus_name = 'org.bluez'
interface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'
kwargs = {}
method_name = 'StopDiscovery'
path = None
Code context:
Local variables:
interface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'
self = <ravel.BusPeer.Object object at 0x7fb8900b9a60>
timeout = -1
Code context:
Local variables:
destination = 'org.bluez'
interface = 'org.bluez.Adapter1'
path = None
self = <ravel.Connection object at 0x7fb87cb9a2c0>
timeout = -1
Code context:
Local variables:
destination = 'org.bluez'
path = None
self = <ravel.Connection object at 0x7fb87cb9a2c0>
timeout = -1
Code context:
Local variables:
path = None
Code context:
Local variables:
path = None
************************************* End of diagnostic info ***************************************
2022-01-22 20:06:46.452 T:3019 ERROR <general>: SETTINGS: bluetooth.stop_discovery
Object info
Object : <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>
Object type : <class 'bluetooth.bluetooth'>
Object attributes:
BLUETOOTH_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd'
D_OBEXD_ROOT = '/storage/downloads/'
OBEX_DAEMON = '/usr/lib/bluetooth/obexd'
bluez_agent = <bluetooth.Bluez_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce28b30>
bluez_listener = <bluetooth.Bluez_Listener object at 0x7fb87ce32af0>
clear_list = <bound method bluetooth.clear_list of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
close_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.close_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
dbusBluezAdapter = None
dbus_error_handler = <bound method bluetooth.dbus_error_handler of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
disable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.disable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
disconnect_device = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
disconnect_device_by_path = <bound method bluetooth.disconnect_device_by_path of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
discover_devices = <bound method bluetooth.discover_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
discovering = True
discovery_thread = <discoveryThread(Thread-12, started daemon 140429496403520)>
do_init = <bound method bluetooth.do_init of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
enable_device_standby = <bound method bluetooth.enable_device_standby of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
exit = <bound method bluetooth.exit of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
find_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.find_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
found_devices = frozenset()
get_devices = <bound method bluetooth.get_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
init_adapter = <bound method bluetooth.init_adapter of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
init_device = <bound method bluetooth.init_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
listItems = {}
menu = { '6': { 'InfoText': 704,
'listTyp': 'btlist',
'menuLoader': 'menu_connections',
'name': 32331}}
menu_connections = <bound method bluetooth.menu_connections of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
obex_agent = <bluetooth.Obex_Agent object at 0x7fb87ce42590>
obex_listener = <bluetooth.Obex_Listener object at 0x7fb87cdc0dd0>
oe = <module 'oe' from '/usr/share/kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings/resources/lib/oe.pyc'>
open_context_menu = <bound method bluetooth.open_context_menu of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
open_pinkey_window = <bound method bluetooth.open_pinkey_window of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
pair_device = <bound method bluetooth.pair_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
properties = { 0: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Paired'},
1: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Adapter'},
2: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Connected'},
3: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Address'},
5: {'type': 1, 'value': 'Class'},
6: {'type': 4, 'value': 'Trusted'},
7: {'type': 2, 'value': 'Icon'}}
remove_device = <bound method bluetooth.remove_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
standby_devices = <bound method bluetooth.standby_devices of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
start_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.start_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
start_service = <bound method bluetooth.start_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
stop_discovery = <bound method bluetooth.stop_discovery of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
stop_service = <bound method bluetooth.stop_service of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
trust_connect_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_connect_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
trust_device = <bound method bluetooth.trust_device of <bluetooth.bluetooth object at 0x7fb87ccf9d20>>
visible = True
************************************** End of object info ******************************************
2022-01-22 20:07:03.641 T:1107 ERROR <general>: Control 1200 in window 13001 has been asked to focus, but it can't
2022-01-22 20:07:41.724 T:1107 INFO <general>: Skipped 16 duplicate messages..
2022-01-22 20:07:41.724 T:1107 ERROR <general>: Control 1200 in window 13001 has been asked to focus, but it can't
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