I've exacly the same issue. In my case using CrazyCat drivers in version 10b4 or b5.
The card is a TBS6281SE dual tunner dvb-c/t via PCIE.
On my very old libreelec 9.0.x work fine. I've tried to install the new one beta5 in a diferent hardrive, so is very easy so swap between what is working, and what is not.
I've attached booth files out of dmesg command.
On TVheadend is shows the cards, but i not able to get any frequence, just fail all the Muxes scan.
I'm not expert in linux kernel, so I hope you guys can solve it. For now I'll run the old 9.0.x 
Let me know if you want me to test something. Like i sair is very easy for me just swap the hard drive and boot.