Posts by GarnR1

    Possible but not recommended.

    You have to mount the second, ext4 formatted partition and unzip to <mount point>/.kodi/addons.

    After installing the addon autoconnect is still disabled and must be enabled one time.

    Hi there. I am just wondering where I need to enable autoconnect to get this fix to work?

    Possible but not recommended.

    You have to mount the second, ext4 formatted partition and unzip to <mount point>/.kodi/addons.

    After installing the addon autoconnect is still disabled and must be enabled one time.

    Thanks so much for your reply. I understand the instructions as far as using the ssh terminal to gain access to the rpi but I'm unfamiliar on how to transfer the zip file and to where before using the terminal commands given in the above link?

    Thanks so much for your reply. I'm unsure if I'm installing it correctly. I'm running Libreelec 10.0. If I remove the microsd and place it in a card reader can I extract the zip folder directly into storage/.kodi/addons/service.libreelec.settings and expect the fix to work on the next boot?

    Thanks for all your help.

    Hi there,

    I've been chasing this issue for a while now. It affects both LAN & WLAN connections happens randomly so it can be hard to repeat to get the initial cause. I'm running an RPI4 Model B - 4GB. It will run perfectly for a while before I have an issue where it will remain connected to the local network with no internet access. This is shown by the 'state' within the wired or wireless settings showing 'ready' instead of 'online'. Another dead giveaway from boot is the time is incorrect.

    The only way of getting the internet side of things to work again is restoring the pi the factory settings or doing a clean install. In trying to tinker with the network settings to get things working again I noticed when moving the 'Connect Automatically' within the network settings, it will slide off and on and upon saving the settings, exiting and entering them again it keeps sliding back to off. It's like the network settings side of things are completely broken.

    I've also tried 'Wait for network before starting Kodi' which doesn't help either. Attached is the log. You'll see in there a VPN is being used and I thought initially this was the problem but after uninstalling this completely, the issue still persists. Any help would be hugely appreciated.

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    Thanks for your reply and time spent trying to resolve this matter. After posting last night I removed the "potential DNS fix" and uninstalled 'VPN Manager for Openvpn' Completely. The same issue occurred as far as not being able to connect to the internet and the network settings only show the wired state as 'ready' and not 'online' as it should be. I also played around with the network settings to try and see if anything would cause it to reconnect to the internet and noticed that when sliding the 'Connect Automatically' slider to off and on it would always revert back to off. It's like the network settings are completely stuffed and not able to function properly until I do a factory reset or clean install. I'll post this matter to the applicable thread given it doesn't appear to be a VPN issue. I appreciate your help in diagnosing the fault. Best regards.

    Hi Zomboided,

    Again thanks so much for your time. Below is a link to the log. I've also attached a few screenshots with one showing that while the VPN Manager is disconnected the wired 'state' is only ever ready and not online.

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    Thanks so much

    Hi Zomboided,

    Apologies for the lack of information. Due to this fault being intermittent I don't have a way of simulating the issue at this moment. The temporary fix is to do a clean install of Libreelec and I've just done that so everything is working as it should for now. A friend of mine has the same issue so I'll grab his RPI4 and get all the diagnostic data you need. What logs will you require specifically?

    I guess the only other thing to do in the meantime is to give more information regarding the fault before I provide logs.

    The problem affects both LAN & WAN connection. All of a sudden the VPN cannot connect and not only can it not connect to a VPN server but it is also not connected to the internet so I cant use YouTube or any other apps that wouldn't normally require a VPN - the clock also shows an incorrect time. In the network settings it does show it connected to the local network with a local ip 192.168.1.xx but there is no access to the internet.

    The problem remains when I try to change VPN server. In this case I am using ExpressVPN. This VPN connection is set to always be on so its not a case of the RPI constantly connecting and disconnecting from a specific VPN server. I hope this provides a bit more context and if you could please let me know what logs specifically you require for any further help that would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

    Hi ghtester,

    Thanks so much for your help with this issue I have been having. It works! I followed the post you mentioned regarding the updated code by PiotrC. I was about to park this issue and give up completely so a big thank you to you and Zomboided. You guys are legends!

    Hi everyone,

    Sorry I'm having to come back to this forum but I seem to be having an issue that crops up every so often. The problem is basically while connected to the network via ethernet or wlan the internet connection stops working. A dead giveaway is the time is usually incorrect and "VPN Manager" cannot connect. The RPI is accessible via the network but there is no internet connection. The only way to fix it is try disable wan/lan, reset and sometimes it will kick back into life, sometimes it wont.

    This happens every so often and most of the time it works but when it goes down it can be days before I can get it going again by trying the above steps. Also of note is this happens on three separate RPI4's at 2 different locations. Any help would be super appreciated.

    Hi PiotrC

    Thanks for your work in providing this script. I am using a RPI 4B 4GB with Libreelec 9.2.8 along with "vpn manager for openvpn". The problem I'm having is every so often while connected to the network via ethernet or wlan the internet connection stops working. A dead giveaway is the time is usually incorrect and "VPN Manager" cannot connect. The RPI is accessible via the network but there is no internet connection. The only way to fix it is try disable wan/lan, reset and sometimes it will kick back into life, sometimes it wont.

    This happens every so often and most of the time it works but when it goes down it can be days before I can get it going again by trying the above steps. Any help would be so appreciated.

    Thanks so much for your response. I've edited the script as you mentioned but it hasn't changed unfortunately. Attached is the log. Thanks again.

    Thank you for the reply. I'm now out of my depth I think. Looking at the file there is nothing on line 66 and also surely there would be a problem for everyone using that particular script if that was the case? Attached is the code and in particular line 66 as mentioned in the log. Cheers for all the help.

    63 $RESOLVCONF ‐d "${dev}.inet"

    64 ;;

    65 esac


    67 # Workaround / [email protected]

    68 # force exit with no errors. Due to an apparent conflict with the Network Manager

    69 # $RESOLVCONF sometimes exits with error code 6 even though it has performed the

    70 # action correctly and OpenVPN shuts down.

    Thanks Zomboided. I managed to add the script and run the 'Potential DNS fix' successfully but after 'Resetting VPN provider' and setting the 'VPN Connection' it no longer connects to the selected server and times out. Again thanks for all your help with this. You have really dug me out of a hole.

    Below is the log and any help would be much appreciated.

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: VPN Mgr : ( VPN log file start >>>

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 WARNING: --keysize is DEPRECATED and will be removed in OpenVPN 2.6

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 WARNING: file '/storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.vpn.manager/ExpressVPN/user.key' is group or others accessible

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 WARNING: file '/storage/.kodi/addons/service.vpn.manager/ExpressVPN/ta.key' is group or others accessible

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 WARNING: file '/storage/.kodi/addons/service.vpn.manager/ExpressVPN/pass.txt' is group or others accessible

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 OpenVPN 2.4.7 armv8a-libreelec-linux-gnueabi [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [EPOLL] [AEAD] built on Oct 24 2020

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1d 10 Sep 2019, LZO 2.10

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 WARNING: --ns-cert-type is DEPRECATED. Use --remote-cert-tls instead.

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 NOTE: the current --script-security setting may allow this configuration to call user-defined scripts

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 UDP link local: (not bound)

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:29 2021 WARNING: this configuration may cache passwords in memory -- use the auth-nocache option to prevent this

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:30 2021 [Server-7696-0a] Peer Connection Initiated with [AF_INET]

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:31 2021 TUN/TAP device tun0 opened

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:31 2021 /sbin/ip link set dev tun0 up mtu 1500

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:31 2021 /sbin/ip addr add dev tun0 local peer

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:31 2021 /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.vpn.manager/ tun0 1500 1557 init

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.vpn.manager/ line 66: syntax error: bad substitution

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:31 2021 WARNING: Failed running command (--up/--down): external program exited with error status: 2

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: Sat May 29 16:40:31 2021 Exiting due to fatal error

    2021-05-29 16:41:49.362 T:2320638832 NOTICE: VPN Mgr : ( <<< VPN log file end

    Thanks Zomboided. Excuse my lack of knowledge but I'm a bit unfamiliar with firstly adding the script you mentioned to Libreelec and secondly allowing it to run. I have access to the openvpn directory within libreelec but thats about as technical as I have gotten so far.

    Forgive me but would it be possible to get a step by step list of instructions for adding this function?

    Appreciate all the help so far.

    Hi Zomboided. Thanks for your previous reply regarding updated server lists. I am now using bulletVPN, but seem to be having issues with DNS leaks. I have ran the addon 'DNS Leak-Test' within Kodi and it returns the IP as being my chosen overseas address however my DNS server is listed as my home country. This is the same while using ExpressVPN also and restricts me from having access to geoblocked content.

    I have tried the 'Potential DNS fix' option within VPN Manager for OpenVPN but it returns 'A DNS fix was not possible because the required DNS resolution scripts are not available. Refer to the kodi log and the Trouble Shooting page found on the GitHub service.vpn.manager wiki." I have looked here but cant seem to find anything specific to the issue I'm having.

    I am running LibreELEC 9.2.6 on a RaspberryPi 4 - 4GB model which is running Kodi 18.9.

    Any help you or anyone else could with a similar configuration could offer would be hugely appreciated.