I also have problem getting audio output device setting stick in Kodi as libreELEC does not seem to recognize my AVR when it's in standby mode.
My setup is as follow:
HDMI 1 Sony XH95
HDMI 2 Pioneer VSX-520 AVR
LibreELEC nightly 20210319 running on Raspberry PI 4
I tried with 2 edid files, one for Sony and one for the Pioneer and I tried using only one edid for pioneer to no avail. Every time I restart the system and AVR is in standby, kodi reverts the audio output device settings back to default and it cannot be set manually to correct hdmi port as Kodi does not recognize my AVR.
Kodi and LE does recognize my AVR just fine if it's turned on when booting up LE.
I followed the guide in #7 by the letter and re-did everything about 20 times to make sure I did not make any mistakes (maybe a hint of insanity going on here already :)).
After everything is set as instructed in the guide and rebooting LE, dmesg does not log any EDID lines if my AVR is in standby mode.
Also hdmi_ignore_cec_init=1 does not seem to work as everytime I start LE my Sony turns on and switches to the LE hdmi input. Only disabling almost every CEC feature in kodi CEC addon seem to have prevented the automatic waking of my tv.
Following command returns this regardless if my TV or AVR is turned on:
tail /sys/class/drm/*/status
==> /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-1/status <==
==> /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-2/status <==
==> /sys/class/drm/card0-Writeback-1/status <==
I included my bin file for pioneer if it could be of any use. I created the file with the following command:
cat /sys/class/drm/card0-HDMI-A-2/edid > /storage/.config/firmware/edid/pioneer-vsx520.bin
If some could provide any ideas that would be nice. Anyways, very nice work you have been doing with LE as always. Don't mean to be a burden here, just wondering if this something could be done to Kodi audio output device setting would stick so I wouldn't need to reboot the LE that often