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Thank You!
I will try it soon.
I try - not work even with rk3229.dtb
Взаимодействие с другими людьми
Thank You!
I will try it soon.
I try - not work even with rk3229.dtb
You will find it here ...LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.80-devel-20200228170436-cd590c7-rk3228a-box.img.gz
You will find it here ...
Thank You!
I will try it soon.
Взаимодействие с другими людьми
I've found that LibreELEC-RK322x.arm-9.80-devel-20200228170436-cd590c7-rk3228a-box.img works much better.
Can You share link on this image plaese?
Взаимодействие с другими людьми
Thank you.
I appreciate the help, but I meant installation to the internal emmc. I am able to create the sd with image but looking to install to internal emmc.
Thanks again
I read Knaerzche post - you can't do this without Linux I think.
BTW you can do this on someone else's computer under Linux.
Use computer of a neighbor or friend for example.
When I needed to perform Linux operations, I just took another hard drive and installed ubuntu on it.
Взаимодействие с другими людьми
Is there a windows tool where i can write the RK322x image to my MXQ Pro 4k? Does this only work in a Linux environment?
For USB/SD burn is:
Advise to try this method first.
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Oh thanks! Now I will know how it's done!
At last!
Mac address remains the same!
Thank you Chewitt! You are a genius!
Long life and lot of good luck to you, kind person!
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Code Display More[Unit] Description=Configure wlan0 MAC address BindsTo=sys-subsystem-net-devices-wlan0.device After=sys-subsystem-net-devices-wlan0.device Before=connman.service [Service] Type=oneshot RemainAfterExit=yes ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip link set dev wlan0 down ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip link set dev wlan0 address 2e:98:41:4f:3d:c1 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip link set dev wlan0 up [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
Create /storage/.config/system.d/wlanmac.service with ^ this content then enable it, and remove any other .service files and udev rules you have set in the system. The main difference is that I take the interface down before setting the MAC, then bring it up again.
Thank You for help!
I deleted all files, create and place wlanmac.service in '/storage/.config/system.d/' - no any results.
I'm not sure about 'then enable it'. How this should be done? Set permissions to 0755 ?
0755 didn't helped either.
Now I have autostart.sh in 'storage/.config/'
sleep 30;
ifconfig eth0 down;
ifconfig eth0 hw ether 2E:98:41:4F:3D:C1;
ifconfig eth0 up
) &
[email protected] in 'storage/.config/system.d/'
Description=MAC Address Change %I
ExecStart=/sbin/ip link set dev %i address 2E:98:41:4F:3D:C1
ExecStart=/sbin/ip link set dev %i up
and 99-mac-address.rules in ''storage/.config/udev.rules.d'
SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="wlan0", RUN+="/sbin/ip link set dev %k address 2E:98:41:4F:3D:C1"
SUBSYSTEM=="net", KERNEL=="eth0", RUN+="/sbin/ip link set dev %k address 2E:98:41:4F:3D:C2"
with that msg:
MAC adress still changing every time.
Can I do like this:
allow-hotplug wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
wpa-ssid <SSID>
wpa-psk <PASSWORD>
or something like this:
wpa_passphrase $SSID $PASSWORD
wpa_passphrase $SSID $PASSWORD > wpa_supplicant.conf
and where it must be placed?
Взаимодействие с другими людьми
Start by answering the question: does the wlan0 MAC address change on each reboot?
Yes address has changed each boot.
Also tried do this - can't run some commands:
fw_printenv | grep ethaddr
fw_setenv ethaddr
"-sh: fw_printenv: not found"
"-sh: fw_setenv: not found"
Changing MAC address is a bad news.
Try do like there but can't find any folders: "udev.rules.d" and "configfiles".
Previous methods ("autostart.sh" and "[email protected]") are not worked.
I located this folder, make those file - no any results.
The libreelec is running smooth and the wifi connection can be established. But after rebooting the box, the wifi is not reconnecting again. It needs to be connected again + entering the wifi passwort again. Did you observe the same behavior?
Have the same problem with my TX2: wlan password has dropped during every boot.
Each access point is duplicated besides.
UART log says nothing.
Rebooting LE after trying connect sometimes.