mglae thank you. So far no issues.
Posts by Marcin
mglae Thank you again. I just started testing. Will get back after some time with feedback.
One question though. So assuming this works now, and the drive stops dissapearing from LE. Does that mean there are no errors or there may be errors on it, but it will not be flagged as having errors?
mglae thank you for your efforts. I will most definitely test it, however I will not be able to for the next month (not at the location). Will test it when I come back. Maybe someone else, who has this problem can, that would be great.
Kind regards
Yes, "Linux" partition type, and an "EXT4" file system on top of it.
That's not necessary. A USB stick with a Linux "Live" distro can boot on a Windows PC. I guess there are also Windows programs for EXT4 access.
Thank's. It's not so easy to boot linux from USB, with UEFI bios these days. At least this is my experience. I found this out with my new laptop. Had to change settings in bios, don't exactly remember what, I think I had to disable secure boot among other things. Long story short I need to keep it as simple as possible, so someone not so keen on computers can handle this on their own, when needed.
However accessing EXT4 from windows is an interesting option.
Thank you all for your engagement in this topic.
So, please correct me if I'm wrong, the best way to have a reliable, error-free or self-error-correcting-by-LE system, will be to format the external USB HDD to one of linux partition formats (which one?), and then keep an extra laptop with a Linux distro, in case RPi fails, so I can plug the HDD to that laptop and copy necessary files, I may need, so I can use them under windows.
You have concern about EXT4 and how to read it if your RPi with LE become defective. You have 10TB data on an external HDD, did you think ever, enough a little bigger mechanical shock and that disk could became defective, without chance to recover any data from it? I learned before, from my own bad luck and defectiv HDD, to don't keep important data in a single location.
Out of the 10TB, the most critical data is backed up.
The workaround might be to self-compile an LE image that disables the in-kernel NTFS3 driver and revert to NTFS-3G, which should give the same experience as older releases.
Yeah thanks chewitt, I can already see myself doing that. Half of what you write is rocket science for me
So to sum this up.
This can happen whenever I restart RPi via SSH?
This can happen whenever RPi or HDD looses supply due to power interruption?
This was not happening on Odroid C2 because I was using older LE version with different kernel which was not doing that (flaging HDD as having errors and not mounting)?
Is questionable, if it's an issue or not. Like Chewitt explained above, it's more about the different OS handling a disk with active error flag. And as the NTFS is Microsoft proprietary, developed for Windows OS, I didn't think to have ever a "perfect" support under linux for it.
For removable drives the best compatible way is the exFAT partition. A bit less good in error handling, but better support in all OS's. There's a lot of comparition between exFat and NTFS (and EXT4), just use the "google" if you want to know more. I'm using a "big" USB stick for storing media files (RPi4B, LE12), formatted to EXFAT, and (till now) didn't had any issue.
Thank's for explaining chewitt post in more simple words :). I had difficulties understanding it. Not sure what an issue means for you, but it is without a doubt an issue for me, as my current setup is not usable, due to the HDD randomly just dissapearing from LE with no reason, no that I can think of.
I bought RPi5 after my EMMC module in Odroid C2 died. I used the same HDD with odroid, only older LE version. I thought it's a good opportuinity for an upgrade. I never expected to run into such problems with the same external HDD and significanlty newer hardware and newer LE version. Shouldn't everyting be improving overtime?
As for expectations for NTFS support, I was using Linux with NTFS drives on an old laptop for many, many years and never had such problem. I never saw this coming.
RO mounting is not an option. I need to write to the disk as it is a storage place for all multimedia, and backup images from all home laptops.
Reformating the drive to exFat will be a major problem, as I do not have a 10TB free space anywhere else. Besides, I can see, peaople report similar problems with exFAT also.
Is there a way to force LE current version to "handle a disk with active error flag" in the same way like the older versions of LE did, where the drive was never dissapearing from LE?
Kind regards
adam.h. thank you. Is force mounting going to fix errors from LE, or will it just mount the drive with errors stil there?
"IF" your RPi will die (RPi's never dies
), you can boot your PC from a USB stick and live-linux (any kind of Ubuntu) and save your data from the EXT4 formatted disk. That's isn't a real problem. If you have linux (LE) and want stability use a linux partition.
Nobody said isn't exist support for NTFS at all under linux. Just not guaranteed. Sometimes it's weak, sometimes enough (or it looks like enough for you).
Thank's. Yes I can boot linux from USB drive and use it, but there are some people who can't, while I am away. Whether Rpis die or not, the problem is still there and I would really like to know, what's happening, where those errors are coming from and how this can be prevented. The current setup is too unreliable at the moment, for me to just leave it. At least I know it seems the HDD is not dying.
Can those NTFS errors affect HDDs life and damage it finally?
Seem like this is a known issue. There are older topics and talks about some kernerls being more stable than others, among other things.
Kind regards
This problem was not occuring when I was still using Odroid C2 with the same HDD and older version of LE, so maybe there's something there.
I need this drive to be also compatible with windows in case my RPi / LE fails.
Reddirt thanks, I know how to run checkdisk on windows. The problem is to find out why those errors occur in the first place, as they may be a sign of HDD failing. I have my HDD together with RPi, behind a cabinet under the tv. It is a pain to remove it and is not a solution in the long run. I need this to be reliable and maintenance free.
ghtester thank you for checking this, and also for the link.
Kind regards
I have very similar problem with my RPi5 and an external 3.5" HDD. Sometimes it just stops to be mounted by LE. I need to fix erros on windows. This time however it took many attempts to even scan the disk. Can someone please have a look at s.m.a.r.t. data and let me know if the HDD is dying? Those numbers always have me confused, but when I see 200 000 000 read errors, I start panicking.
Kind regards
Hi HarryH. Thank you for the links. I will definitelly read this through. So those two CEC adapter entries are 100% not due to the fact that Rpi5 has two HDMIs? This was my initial though as there's even an option of choosing the HDMI Port Number. Would make sens to have separate configs for each physical port. Thank's for clearing this out.
Dear all
I spoke too soon. The problem is back. Seems like adding vc4.force_hotplug=1 to /flash/cmdline.txt did not change anything in this matter. It is difficult to test as the problem occures after some time.
HarryH I explained my intentions in my first post. It was more to let the community know, that such problem exists. As long as I can deactivate CEC completely (which seems like I can), I am fine, as I do not use CEC too much. It is a nice thing to have, but not on my priority list. If my intentions were not clear, or I used the wrong channels to do that, I appologize.
As always is the case, the community does not dissapoint, and there are many knowledgable people willing to help, and I do appreciate everybodys input, including yours. Thank you for the explanaition about HDMIs, I am trying to get my head arround this, as I find it difficult to understand.
Thank's for the link to a new version. I may try it sometime, just do not have the time now to reflash in case something goes horribly wrong.
If it's not too offtopic, I would definitely need some help with configuration of CEC addon, as many options are not clear for me in terms of what they do. Is there a good source of knowledge about that?
Is there a way to change the language of the CEC addon only and not the whole system?
Kind regards
HarryH Sony android TV is also in my case. The thing is I have to manually select it (HDMI 1 Player, Recorder etc). My Denon selects just HDMI 1 (without CEC). I have not installed anything else on top of default LE image. Also as mentioned I am running 12.0.1, which I believe is the last one. Either way, after editing cmdline.txt as advised by HiassofT the TV is not switching itself on, which was the main thing.
Ok made the entry to the cmdline.txt file. Got me scared for a moment as LE did not boot after reboot command. Had to power cycle and now booted ok. Tried to revert changes to the CEC addon, but CEC no longer works now. I cannot control LE with the TV remote. Like I said, not a big deal, but it does not work.
Also noticed I have two entries of CEC Adapter. They seem to have separate configs. Is this due to RPi5 having two HDMIs?
Ok I have an additional entry when going through my TV HDMI sources. When I select HDMI 1 KODI Recorder, CEC works. Beside that I have just a "normal" HDMI 1 entry, and CEC does not work there.
How do I set it up properly?
HiassofT Thank you, but cannot save the file as it is read only. Tried via putty ssh and nano editor. Seems like I am logged in as root but cannot save the file.