If 0.5.3 is not working for you...turn off the setting for tvh match and try to run again. Then if it still fails, please post an updated log.
That did the trick, download completed
If 0.5.3 is not working for you...turn off the setting for tvh match and try to run again. Then if it still fails, please post an updated log.
That did the trick, download completed
My guide data has run out. The last time the xml file was written was on the 19th. See log thx for helpzap2epg.log just updated to 0.5.3, got a tvheadend user and pass error before updating when entering the addon settings.
installed & setup zap2epg, no problems found, working great so far thank you for your work on it.
Love having comskip with tvh. It's working great.
added comskip to the package, if someone uses it pls report back if it works
path to comskip /storage/.kodi/addons/service.tvheadend42/bin/comskip
Thank you for adding. I copied the path to the "Post-processor command" box in tvheadend but its errors out after the recording finishes.
looks like i'm missing a commandline option. anybody know what one should be used?
debug log Tvheadend comskip error - Pastebin.com
I have an offline Raspberry Pi 2 and I am planning to add a RTCAny suggestions ?
Also is there an Add-on or easy way (Edit Config file) to set this up ??
offline - How do I set the time first time round ?
use SSH and login to your Pi then use the command
Yes it's working, but doesn't keep the right time for some reason. Like right now it says Sun Apr 23. I have Internet access right now so I'm using the net time, but that's ends in 2 months so I need to figure out why the Rtc isnt keeping time.
Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Thank you for all of your hard work on this addon it's working great.
I would agree with you about the laggy skin on the pi2. Its not as smooth as it use to be.
Will install when I get home. Do you know If I install from zip will it still update from your repo in the future?
glad I'm not the only one. mine on the pi2 keeps resetting back to desktop instead of 1080p.
Just to update. Mine is working good so far but I don't download icons like you. Will keep an eye on it and let you know.
I'm guessing I was hitting the website too much.
Completed in 247s (Parse: 181s) 21 stations, 2349 programs, 3217 scheduled.
5 days
Just ran it again and it just finished and it finely wrote the xml file without error.
That looks like a server timeout. Try to run again and see of the same error happens.
I've tried running it two more times with the same error message.
Rerun the grabber and post the log.
log with new error (Name or service not known) [JSON] zap2xml post205 - Pastebin.com
see if there is a file labeled: EP025837820003.js.gz
please see attached. It looks blank to me and only contains the file name.
Then rerun and post the log output. Thanks! I'm trying to see if your is episode or guide data issue.
log [JSON] zap2xml post201 - Pastebin.com