This forum is not a platform for spreading unsubstantiated misinformation on other operating systems.
I am privy to all CE matters being part of the team and say you are BOTH wrong in the quotes you have made.
Please edit to correct your errors.
not looking to cause trouble but before you start saying things you MAY not know about...
IF this is not true then i suggest that people start looking into disension within the team as no less then 3 members have said the royalty statements. and as far as Ray being squeezed out that is up to him to talk about as that is between him and Adam...
All i will say is that for someone that was a Founding member to be pushed out after putting as much of his time into a project only to leave out of frustration says it all for some of us....
So either your out of the loop or just another one trying to cover up the fact that CE is now trying to make money off of work contained within CoreElec's code that comes from a lot more places then just the CE team members...
As for whats the right forum that is not your call as that belongs to the LE guys as its their home not Adams... funny how he felt it was ok to slander me on a none CE forum because he did not like what i said on CE and then suspended my account before i could reply...
Look i was being nice when i said he was "frustrating" when i could have used terms like... "a bit bully, confrontational, argumentative and being a big diva" which were all terms used by various Team Members i had conversations with after the open letter i wrote in response to Adams lies about me being mad after being turned down for membership... anyone that actually knows me knows how much bull that is as i would never ask or want to be involved in any group as its not my thing...
anyways what i said came from Team Members and for me between that and seeing HK selling special CE edition of the N2 is enough proof for me and goes to prove how much of a hypocrite Adam is when all the righteous talk about never taking any device maker over another...