Posts by moshoodo123

    chewitt, thanks so much for this image. I just flashed my Wetek play 2 with box image and it works fantastically well. also my Astrometa Usb DVB T2 works with Tvheadend aswell.

    Please do I need to copy any latest box image to /storage/.update for future update?


    thoradia , thanks for your prompt reply, can you please confirm if there is now a setting in your addon to input private Licence. paying for a Licence is not a problem at all.

    I am using Webgrabplus configurator by primaeval with your Wegraplus Addon. this automatically runs your Webgrabplus at 4am every Monday UK time.

    Also I am using custom UK.ini file which pulls Program image aswell. going back to your addon version ending 111 makes everything perfect again but I just want to update to your new version to keep everything up to date.


    thoradia , thanks for maintaining the Webrabplus Addon, really grateful, can you please confirm if this addon is now broken and if there is a fix for it.

    the log is talking about Licence exceeding 20. i am using my own site.ini which was working great before this update.

    I have reverted back to the old version of WG and its working.

    I was not aware of the add-on by primaeval

    Control programs of my add-ons now consistently have a .ctl extension

    Until the primaeval's add-on takes account of this, copy (not rename) webgraplus.ctl to

    By the way, this makes licenses work

    I think its sorted now. I just changed the exe path in the primaeval addon to: storage/.kodi/addons/service.webgrabplus/bin/webgrabplus.ctl :)

    Thank you has been renamed webgrabplus.ctl

    I did not manage to configure a license

    thoradia thanks so much for maintaining the Webgrabplus service addon, after the latest update, I am having the same issue as mentioned above . I have been using it with webgrabplus program addon by primaeval without any problem before the update. should I just rename to webgrabplus.ctl?

    Thanks for your help.