Posts by michale32086

    I have had some issues with Kodi on a windows 10, then 11 machine so I decided to go back to LE KODI...

    Let me give the whole chain of events..

    I had KODI running on a Winblows 10 machine with nay a problem for years..

    We just got a newer model VIZIO 4K TV.. For a week or so KODI was fine... Then one day, I started watching and the audio sync was off.. By at least 20-30 seconds.. Funny thing was it was off in Windows AND in KODI..

    So, obviously it was a windows problem.. Big shock..

    So I updated to Windows 11.. It was the quickest way to get back up and running.

    And it worked fine for about a week or so.. Then the audio delay kicked back in...

    So, now I am trying to re-install LE/KODI and, when I used the created ThumbDrive boot, it says it can't see the i-FlaskDisk K8 64GB SSD that I used for LE KODI originally..

    Did LE/KODI get bigger recently where it won't fit on a 64GB boot disk??

    Any assistance would be most appreciated..

    I was in the process of copying over about 4 TB of TV show files from a LE Drive to an NTFS Portable HD.. My grandson noticed the the shiny button on the power strip and shut down my KODI box in mid transfer.. ;(;(

    Now when I boot up the box and look at the HD, there are no TV files on it.. I have tried to plug the HD into my windows box and run CHKDSK, but it doesn't bring back the files..

    I am fairly certain the files ARE there, just need to fix the blocks..

    How do I do a e2fsck or fsck on a NTFS drive inside the LE box???

    Any assistance would be much appreciated...

    OK I saw MC, but that really doesn't do what I need..

    rsync looks promising, but my gods.. all the options.. :D

    What I want to do is be able to use a cp-esque command that will automatically not copy and skip existing files... What would be the option for that with rsync??

    Thanx to all for all the help..

    You guys crack me up.. :D

    OK let me go a little more in depth.. My son is a commercial fisherman in Alaska.. He is home for another week or so and wants me to copy the entire contents of my KODI server onto a 5TB Portable USB3 Drive...

    So, I have a 4TB and a 2TB 3.5" SATA Drive and I plug the 5TB portable into the USB of the KODI Server and am copying remotely from the Winblows machine.. I am dealing mostly SSH now since I (somewhat) got the hang of it.. I have discovered that, if I try to open up 2 SSH windows and start 2 different CP processes, only one of the CP function actually works. The other CP function just sits there...

    If I could open up an CMD/CONSOLE window directly on the KODI/LE server, I think that would solve my problems.. I could initiate a CP process without using the Winblows machine at all...

    Is that possible??

    I want to copy a buttload of directories from one drive to another.. Right now, I connect with Winblows File Manager and copy the files from one HD to another on the LE/KODI machine..

    But it ties up my Winblows machine and is slow as mole's asses in January...

    Can I either SSH into the KODI/LE box and do a bulk copy?? Or even thru Kodi???


    OK, I was able to SSH in from my winblows machine and use the CP -R command to copy whole directories... But when I log out of SSH, I assume the CP command will cease??? Forgive me, it's been decades since I played with any flavor of Linux...

    Back slash \\ will access your network using Windows File Manager

    Forward slash // will activate your browser

    Your LE device must be turned on to be accessed from a networked windows machine

    I don't know what's worse.. Pretending I didn't know it or making the error in the first place.. :^/

    Ayyways, it still gives me the UNKNOWN ERROR in #15.. Error Code 0x80004005 which is a catch-all for YOU GOT PROBLEMS, DOOD!!

    I don't think I am in a position to re-do my entire KODI setup.. :D

    Thanx for the suggestion, though..

    I had my LE box hooked to my windows 10 network, but all of the sudden, it quit..

    I SSH into LE, but it's been a while since I played in a LINUX sandbox..

    Can someone refresh my memory on how to check network connections in Linux and maybe help me troubleshoot this puppy...

    Any assistance would be most appreciated..