Posts by HWTest

    I did install the latest LE from scratch.

    Confirmed, that it boots.

    Then restored the whole content of the STORAGE partition from a backup (Yes, I made a full backup before attempting anything :) ).


    PS: There were no (new) logs, only old ones from LE 10.0.4 (it rebooted almost instantly, after trying to boot).

    The legacy image didn't work too, the same symptoms.

    I was trying to upgrade my HTPC from 10.0.4 to 11.0.1.

    When the upgrade was done and rebooted, I only saw the syslinux text line for a second or so, then it rebooted and so on and on ...

    The HTPC is a regular PC with an AMD Athlon 200GE APU.

    When I revert to 10.0.4 by replacing the KERNEL and SYSTEM files, the HTPC boots fine.

    I also tried it on two other PCs (Ryzen 7 with Vega 64 GPU, Ryzen 5 with nVidia 1070 GPU - the legacy build) - always a boot loop.

    How to debug? (There is nothing in the logs)

    I'm facing the same problem on the latest LE 9.97.1 running on generic x64 hardware.

    2021-08-01 15:19:24.785 T:945     DEBUG <general>: ADDON: Dll Initializing - libraw image decoder
    2021-08-01 15:19:24.785 T:945     DEBUG <general>: SECTION:LoadDLL(/storage/.kodi/addons/imagedecoder.raw/
    2021-08-01 15:19:24.785 T:945     DEBUG <general>: Loading: /storage/.kodi/addons/imagedecoder.raw/
    2021-08-01 15:19:24.787 T:945     ERROR <general>: Unable to load /storage/.kodi/addons/imagedecoder.raw/, reason: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Sadly the fix from oduL doesn't work.

    I get:

    cp /var/media/80GB/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/
    cp: can't create '/usr/lib/': Read-only file system

    I have a HTPC build in a SILVERSTONE SST-ML02B-MXR Milo case, which contains the iMON PAD ir receiver and remote (and a LCD display).

    I was following this wiki article setting up the remote: Infrared Remotes []

    ir-keytable gives me this:

    Found /sys/class/rc/rc0/ (/dev/input/event9) with:
            Name: iMON Remote (15c2:0038)
            Driver: imon, table: rc-imon-pad
            lirc device: /dev/lirc0
            Supported protocols: rc-6 imon
            Enabled protocols: imon
            bus: 3, vendor/product: 15c2:0038, version: 0x0003
            Repeat delay = 500 ms, repeat period = 125 ms

    As I want to use a universal remote, which I also use for the rest of my equipment, I successfully switched the protocol to rc-6 and all keys are working (even the Power key) but I get doublecklicks on some keys, for instance Mute, Play, Pause, other keys are working fine (for instance Up, Down, Left Right).

    I thought something is wrong with my universal remote, so I tried it with an original MCE remote and the problem is exactly the same.

    By doublecklicks I mean, when I press for instance Mute, it gets Muted and instantly un Muted. The only way around is holding the key a little longer but it's hit or miss.


    2020-06-06 14:15:46.704 T:140459145783424   DEBUG: HandleKey: launch_app1_pc_icon (0xc0) pressed, action is Mute
    2020-06-06 14:15:47.914 T:140459145783424   DEBUG: HandleKey: launch_app1_pc_icon (0xc0) pressed, action is Mute

    Is there a way to fix this?

    I mean some repeat settings or so.

    PS: FYI the Power key works in the rc-6 mode even for power on until I switch the PSU off, then only the iMON remote works for power on.

    I' upgrading from my old HTPC (Xtreamer Ultra2) with a Geforce GT 520M graphics to a HTPC with an Athlon 200GE VEGA GPU.

    I'm running the latest LE 9.2.2.

    The HTPC is connected to an older AV receiver and from the receiver to an older FullHD TV via HDMI.

    I had to solve two problems with my old HTPC:

    1) the TV doesn't send a proper EDID, the EDID is missing 24Hz and 23.976Hz refresh rates

    2) If the receiver was not on or it was switched to another input when powering on the HTPC, the HTPC started in some unsupported (by the TV) resolution (1024x768 I think)

    I was able to solve both problems by this xorg.conf:

    And I was so naive, that I thought that simply changing the driver from nvidia to amdgpu will work :)

    It didn't ...

    The problem probably is, that the amdgpu doesn't support the needed options.

    Any ideas how to solve this with the new GPU:?:

    With the new xorg.conf

    GUI set to 60,

    playing 25fps material, TV displays 60, sound is present

    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present

    GUI set to 25
    playing 25fps material, TV displays 25, no sound

    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present

    GUI set to 24 or 23.98
    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present
    playing 24fps material, TV displays 24, sound is present

    With the older driver and the new xorg.conf it woks as expected.

    With the older driver and my original xorg.conf it woks as expected.

    I have a Xtreamer Ultra 2 (nVidia graphics) and on LE (8.0.2 and 8.2.0) I noticed, that that the framerate doesn't properly sync with 25fps sources.

    The gui is set to 23.97 and the TV shows 24 when playing 25fp and i get glitches in audio (passthrough to the receiver).

    When i switch the gui to 25, the TV displays 25 and I get no sound at all. The same when I switch the gui to 30, TV 30, no sound.

    What additional info is needed to debug this problem?