Posts by eliaslear

    loaded fine in windows and ran check disk. no issues. rolled back to previous build, all drives work. updated again and no drives. rolled back once again and they work fine. it's definitely an 11 software issue.

    i've been on 10 from release to today. updated to 11 and lost hard drive access. i have an asus j4005. small samsung ssd for os, and an 8tb hdd, both in ntfs format. both plugged into sata ports on motherboard. i can see both in in bios, but when i load kodi, it doesn't show large drive in system info or file manager. i downgraded back to 10 and everything works great again. seems like software issues. maybe someone left out something simple in the latest build?

    i've read through many threads on my same issue, but nobody seems to have solved it.

    i have an intel build connected over wireless. any transfers (read or write) over network (from windows 10) are limited to 10MB. doesn't matter if wired (gigabit) or wireless. the storage drive is a sata 2 spinning drive. when i transfer from usb it usually floats around 60MB, so i know it's not a drive or controller issue. i can transfer over ssh or ftp and get same speeds. kodi has the drive shared over samba under zeroconf browser (if that helps).

    ifconfig shows this


    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000

    RX bytes:122943352 (117.2 MiB) TX bytes:82816110 (78.9 MiB)

    i can see my speed is capable, but for whatever reason limited to 10MB.

    any suggestions to restore my speed to it capabilities or at least open it up a little more?

    i've had the same setup for 5 years now. i have updated through each release, skipping betas, and everything has functioned as is. everything was working fine on 9.0.2. after updating to 9.2, i lose voices (and ui sound) after a while, but still have music in videos. upon booting, everything works fine. i can watch videos encoded in multiple codes (video and audio) just fine. but after letting it idle for a while or power cycling the amp or tv, i lose voices. the amount of time is random. if the surround sound goes to sleep and i wake it back up, sometimes i'll have voices , sometimes only background music. i'm assuming kodi is having issues with audio decoding, sending it through the TV into the amp. it's an asrock j4205 build, running through hdmi into tv, then into sony 5.1 surround sound (pl2 or basic filter). passthru or not, it does the same thing. i have downgraded back to 902 and the issue is no more. i tried upgrading again and the issue returns. for now i'm staying on 9.0.2 until issue is resolved or the next release.


    i decided to try the betas between the two stable release. 9.1.001 and 9.1.002 work as should. the audio outputs with voices as it should. however anything past those two have the same no voice issue. UPDATE AGAIN: never mind. they eventually started doing the same thing. i'm back on 9.0.2 now with no issues.